[Air-L] [PHILOS-L] CfP: Hamburg Interdisciplinary Summer School “Governance Technologies: Privacy, Fairness & Transparency” (16.-19.9.2019)

Judith Simon judith.simon at univie.ac.at
Mon May 20 00:54:45 PDT 2019

Dear colleagues,

we invite applications for the Hamburg Interdisciplinary Summer School “Governance Technologies: Privacy, Fairness & Transparency” (Hamburg, 16.-19.9.2019). 
This  summer  school  invites  young  scholars  PhD  candidates  or  early-career  Post-Doc researchers interested in this interdisciplinary intersection of philosophy, computer science and law. The summer school provides them with the opportunity to connect and engage with outstanding researchers and peers to acquire new insights and get feedback on their current research. 

The keynote speakers and faculty of the summer school include:  
Professor Nikolas Guggenberger, Universität Münster (Germany) & Information Society Project (Yale University, USA)
Professor Mireille Hildebrandt, Vrije Universiteit Brussels (Belgium) & Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands) 
Professor Bart Jacobs, Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands) 
Professor Niva Elkin-Koren, Haifa University (Israel) & associate faculty at the Berkman Klein Center, Harvard University (USA) 
Interested participants are requested to apply by submitting an abstract summarizing current research of max. one page (about 500 words). Applicants should send the abstract and a CV to Mattis  Jacobs, jacobs at informatik.uni-hamburg.de <mailto:jacobs at informatik.uni-hamburg.de>. The  abstracts should be submitted no later than June 16.

The participation is free of charge. Participants need to cover travel expenses, accommodation, and some meals. We will provide information about accommodation and local information to accepted participants.

The summer school is organised by the University of Hamburg (Department of Informatics), the University of Technology Hamburg (Institute for Software Systems), and the Leibniz Institute for Media Research│Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI) and will take place at the  guest house of the Universität Hamburg and the adjacent Leibniz Institute for Media Research│Hans-Bredow-Institute (Rothenbaumchaussee 34/36, D-20148 Hamburg), September 16-19, 2019.
Find more information on the summer school at https://igt.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/?p=592 <https://igt.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/?p=592>.

Please feel free to share this Call for Participation within your networks. In case of any queries, please contact Mattis  Jacobs, jacobs at informatik.uni-hamburg.de <mailto:jacobs at informatik.uni-hamburg.de>. 

With best regards on behalf of the organizing team, 

Mattis Jacobs & Judith Simon 

Judith Simon
Professor for Ethics in Information Technology
University of Hamburg 
Department of Informatics
Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30 
22527 Hamburg

Email: judith.simon at informatik.uni-hamburg.de <mailto:judith.simon at informatik.uni-hamburg.de>
Web: https://www.inf.uni-hamburg.de/en/inst/ab/eit.html <https://www.inf.uni-hamburg.de/en/inst/ab/eit.html>

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