[Air-L] Call for Extended Abstracts - Comparative Approaches to Disinformation: Workshop at Harvard University & Special Journal Issues

Irene Pasquetto irenepasquetto87 at gmail.com
Mon May 20 13:31:46 PDT 2019

*[sorry for crossposting]*
Below is a call for abstracts to a workshop on disinformation to be held at
Harvard University on Friday, October 4th, 2019. You can also find the
information here

A selection of presenters at the workshop will be invited to submit full
manuscripts of up to 8,900 words to be considered for publication in a
special issue of the *International Journal of Communication. *Workshop
participants are also invited to submit short essays up to 3,000 words to
the Harvard Shorenstein Center’s new fast-review journal, the *Misinformation

Please share this information widely!

*Call for Extended Abstracts*

*Comparative Approaches to Disinformation: *
*Workshop at Harvard University & Special Journal Issues*

>From misleading news stories around the 2018 Brazil elections to a lynching
linked to false social media messages in India in 2019, the deluge of
digital disinformation is affecting communications in many countries around
the world. The situation is particularly concerning in emerging
democracies, where availability and affordability of digital communication
technologies have facilitated production and distribution of false or
misleading digital content among populations with low levels of media and
digital literacy. At the same time, we are witnessing false narratives
spreading across countries and across platforms often orchestrated by
networks of operatives coordinating attacks internationally.

While several academic workshops have been organized on the topic of
disinformation, little attention has been paid to the examination of
disinformation from comparative and international perspectives. The
Workshop on Disinformation to be held at Harvard University in Cambridge,
MA on October 4, 2019 will feature scholars from around the world
discussing their research on the prevalence, impact, and diffusion of

We invite submissions that make new theoretical or empirical contributions
to existing bodies of knowledge in this area. A submission could focus on
one country or offer comparative perspectives involving multiple countries.
It could also examine other areas of research such as cross-platform
analysis and recommendation systems. We welcome different theoretical
frameworks and methodological approaches, and encourage interdisciplinary

Potential topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:

   - What existing or new theoretical frameworks or methodological
   approaches might help us better analyze evolving information ecosystems
   increasingly affected by disinformation and misinformation?
   - How can we empirically identify and track disinformation or measure
   effects of disinformation campaigns?
   - What are the key cultural, political, social, or technological
   characteristics contributing to the generation and spread of
   - What are similarities and differences between countries in terms of
   the production (media manipulation tactics), spread, and impact of
   - What are major challenges in developing countermeasures (e.g., content
   moderation and freedom of speech)?

Those interested in participating in the workshop should submit an extended
abstract (between 1,000 and 1,500 words) with brief biographical notes to
disinfoworkshop2019 at cyber.harvard.edu by *May 31, 2019*. Authors will be
notified of acceptance of their papers to the workshop by July 1, 2019.
Authors of accepted abstracts are expected to present their research at the
Workshop at Harvard University on October 4, 2019.

A selection of presenters at the Workshop will be invited to submit full
manuscripts of up to 8,900 words to be considered for publication in a
special issue of the *International Journal of Communication*. The
Journal of Communication*, listed in leading indexing sources including
SSCI, is an interdisciplinary journal offering scholarly analyses and
discussions of key communication and related topics.

Workshop participants are also invited to submit to the Harvard Shorenstein
Center’s new fast-review journal, the *Misinformation Review*. These short
essays (up to 3,000 words) should focus on practical implications for
understanding and combating disinformation. They will be peer-reviewed and
published on the *Misinformation Review* about a month after submission
(essays will be submitted and published on a rolling basis).

Below are key dates.

   - Workshop abstract submission deadline: May 31, 2019 (
   disinfoworkshop2019 at cyber.harvard.edu)
   - Workshop abstract acceptance notice: July 1, 2019
   - Workshop at Harvard University: October 4, 2019
   - [Optional] Full paper submission deadline (*International Journal of
   Communication* special issue): February 1, 2020
   - [Optional] Essay submission deadline (Harvard Shorenstein *Misinformation
   Review* journal): Essays will be accepted and published on a rolling

If you have any questions, please email the workshop organizers and special
issue editors:

   - Hyunjin Seo, University of Kansas (hseo at ku.edu); Berkman Klein Center
   for Internet & Society, Harvard University (hseo at cyber.harvard.edu)
   [Workshop/*International Journal of Communication*]
   - Rob Faris, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard
   University (rfaris at cyber.harvard.edu) [Workshop/*International Journal
   of Communication*]
   - Joan Donavan, Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy,
   Harvard University (joan_donovan at hks.harvard.edu) [Workshop/*Misinformation
   - Irene Pasquetto, Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public
   Policy, Harvard University (irene_pasquetto at hks.harvard.edu
   <irene_pasquetto at hks.harvard>) [Workshop/*Misinformation Review*]

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