[Air-L] Fwd: LIVE STREAM this Saturday: "Labor in the Global Platform Economy" (feat. Nathan Ensmenger, Mary Gray, Lilly Irani, Cara Wallis, Sarah Murray, Lisa Nakamura) 9:30am EDT 6/1

Christian Sandvig csandvig at umich.edu
Thu May 30 12:18:18 PDT 2019

Dearest AoIR colleagues:

Here's an amazing lineup that includes some names you might now. They'll be
live streaming this Saturday morning (ET). Where else would you rather be
than on this stream?

Feel free to forward as appropriate,


Labor in the Global Platform Economy
(a discussion panel)

Nathan Ensmenger (http://homes.sice.indiana.edu/nensmeng/)
Mary Gray (http://www.ghostwork.info/)
Lilly Irani (https://quote.ucsd.edu/lirani/)
Cara Wallis (https://comm.tamu.edu/cara-wallis/)

Sarah Murray (https://lsa.umich.edu/ftvm/people/faculty/sarah-murray.html)
Lisa Nakamura (https://lisanakamura.net/)

Saturday, June 1, 2019; 9:30am to 11:00am Eastern Daylight Time (UTC/GMT-4)

During the day and time of the event, live streaming will be available here:

Ehrlicher Room, 3100 North Quad, 105 S. State St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285
Directions to this room: http://bit.ly/Ehrlicher (follow path #2)
Free and open to the public, no RSVP is required.

>From voice assistance that replicates how care and service professions
manage their own emotions to surveillance technologies powered by
outsourced, contracted coding work, emotional, gendered, and racialized
labor are the sources of “smart” technologies writ large. How does the
promise of a better, hopeful “future of work” reproduce or contest
exploitative regimes of labor? How does the promise of living the “good
life,” of becoming the “smart” self, and individual empowerment prohibit
other forms of solidarity?

This live stream is part of the "soft opening" of ESC: The Center for
Ethics, Society, and Computing at the University of Michigan.

This event is part of the workshop "Making 'The Future of Work' Work,"
organized by Silvia Lindtner, Cindy Lin, Shaowen Bardzell, Jeffrey
Bardzell, and Paul Dourish.

See the event announcement on the Web:

These events are generously supported by the Center for Ethics, Society,
and Computing (ESC), the National Science Foundation HTF "Future of Work at
the Human Technology Frontier" (Award #1744359), and the School of
Information at the University of Michigan.

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