[Air-L] Call for papers: IDIA2020

nana s seyaraba at gmail.com
Thu May 30 22:13:45 PDT 2019

We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the 11th International Development Informatics Association (IDIA2020) conference which will take place on 25 - 27 March 2020 in Macau SAR.
IDIA provides  a forum for researchers and practitioners to connect and exchange knowledge on issues of Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D) in, for, or by the Global South, where the definition of ‘Global South’ extends beyond “developing countries” to encompass the socio-political transnational collective of the marginalized around the world. The theme of IDIA2020 is “The more things change …” and it invites a critical exploration of the impacts of both old and new frontier technologies on the global landscape of poverty and sustainable development, and encourages reflection on the changes within ICT4D in response to the many socio-technical developments and challenges. Further details about the conference are available on the conference website at https://www.idia2020.com.
We invite researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and stakeholders from around the world interested in issues of technology and sustainable development, to participate in IDIA2020 and to make full paper or workshop submissions by 16th August 2019.
Full papers will undergo double blind review by at least three reviewers with the possibility that accepted papers will be published in a Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) volume. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit 2-page policy briefs based on their paper. These will be reviewed for possible inclusion in a United Nations University published policy brief volume. Workshop submissions will also undergo a peer-review process.
The key dates for the conference are as follows:
• Paper submission: 16 August 2019
• Workshop submission: 16 August 2019
• Notification of acceptance:1 November 2019
• Camera-ready accepted papers submission: 13 December 2019
Conference Chairs: Hannah Thinyane (UNU-CS, Macau), Mamello Thinyane (UNU-CS, Macau)
Program Chairs: Araba Sey (UNU-CS, Macau), Caroline Khene (RU, South Africa)
Please circulate this IDIA2020 call for papers and share it widely within your networks.

Kind Regards,

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