[Air-L] 2019 Social Informatics Best Paper Awards - Call for Nominations

Adam Worrall worrall at ualberta.ca
Fri May 31 10:39:02 PDT 2019

The ASIS&T Special Interest Group for Social Informatics
<https://asistsigsi.wordpress.com/> (SIG SI) is issuing a *call for
nominations* for the 2019 Annual *Social Informatics Best Paper Awards*,
with nominations due by *July 10*. Self-nominations are welcome and the
nomination process is quite short, as detailed below. Winners are also
invited to *present* their work during SIG SI’s Research Symposium
 at ASIS&T 2019 <https://www.asist.org/am19/> in Melbourne.

We seek nominations for the following two awards:

   1. *Best SI Paper*: For a paper published in a* peer-reviewed journal *on
   a topic* informed by social informatics* during the *2018 calendar year*.
   The winning author(s) will receive a *$1,000* (USD) cash award.
   2. *Best SI Student Paper*: For a paper published in either a *peer-reviewed
   journal* or in *peer-reviewed conference proceedings* during the *2018
   calendar year*, authored by a *PhD or Master’s student* on a topic *informed
   by social informatics*. The winning author(s) will receive a $500 (USD)
   cash award.

Winners of both awards will also be invited to present their papers at the
Annual *SIG SI Research Symposium* at the 2019 Association for Information
Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Annual Meeting in Melbourne, Australia on
*Saturday* *October 19*.

To nominate a paper for these awards, please send the following to *Adam
Worrall (worrall at ualberta.ca
<worrall at ualberta.ca?subject=Social+Informatics+Best+Paper+Awards>)*, SIG
SI Awards Coordinator, by *July 10*, 2019, 11:59pm PDT (UTC-7):

   - A full *reference* of the article being nominated, including the
   authors, title, and publication venue; also be sure to note any student
   - A brief *explanation* of why you are nominating this article
   - A digital *copy* of the article (PDF preferred)

Award winners will be notified by August 1, 2019, in time for ASIS&T 2019
Annual Meeting early bird registration (ends August 2). Good luck to all
who apply!

Adam Worrall, Ph.D.
Awards Coordinator, ASIS&T SIG SI
Assistant Professor, University of Alberta
School of Library and Information Studies
5-168 Education North
Edmonton, AB T6G 2G5
worrall at ualberta.ca  (780) 492-0179

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