[Air-L] CFP: Vint Cerf & Larry Irving Keynotes; International Digital Divide Conference 22-24 May 2019, Washington, DC USA

Massimo Ragnedda ragnedda at gmail.com
Thu May 2 09:34:38 PDT 2019


* Vinton Cerf, Father of the Internet and Vice President and Chief Internet
Evangelist for Google

* Larry Irving, former US Assistant Secretary of Commerce who in 1994
sparked global interest in digital divide research and evidence-based

* Geoffrey Starks, Commissioner, United States Federal Communications
Commission in conversation with Gigi Sohn, Distinguished Fellow, Georgetown
Law Institute for Technology Law & Policy and former Counselor to
then-Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission Tom Wheeler
* Avi Gillis, Head of Digital Inclusion Policy & Diversity in Tech, DCMS
Digital and Tech Policy, Government of the United Kingdom Department for
Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS)
* Hopeton S. Dunn, Professor of Communications Policy and Digital Media,
University of the West Indies; Director, Caribbean Institute of Media and
Communication (CARIMAC), University of the West Indies; Director,
Telecommunications Policy and Management Programme, Mona School of
Business, University of the West Indies; Chairman, Broadcasting Commission,

* Laura Breeden, former Program Director for Public Computing and Broadband
Adoption, National Telecommunications and Information Administration,
United States Department of Commerce

Please check http://www.ppdd.org/conferences/ppdd2019/ for additional
prominent Plenaries to be announced soon.


22-24 May 2019

Washington, DC USA



Submit your 250-words-maximum abstract to present your work at PPDD 2019,
be included in the PPDD 2019 Proceedings and E-Book, and have your work
considered for publication in PPDD's edited volumes and special issues of
PPDD's five Publishing Partners’ peer-reviewed journals. PPDD 2019 invites
work that informs issues related to the digital divide broadly defined, the
nature of life in the digital age, the many challenges and opportunities of
information and communication technologies, and the interplay of influence
between technological and social change.


Submission Deadline: 6 May 2019 11:59 p.m. Hawaii Time — Submit sooner for
rapid notification

Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: ASAP on a rolling basis after
submission and no later than 8 May 2019

Deadline for Accepted Presenters to Register for PPDD 2019: 8 May 2019

Submission Instructions: http://www.ppdd.org/conferences/ppdd2019/cfp/


Full PPDD 2019 Conference Information: Please see
http://www.ppdd.org/conferences/ppdd2019/ and

PPDD 2019 Hotel Reservations:

Please see http://www.ppdd.org/conferences/ppdd2019/hotelactivities/

for complete details to reserve at the deeply discounted $149USD/night PPDD
2019 room rate, which is also available if you wish to stay while attending
ICA or sightseeing.

PPDD 2019 Registration Information: Please see


Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide (PPDD) is the only academic
professional organization in the world focused solely on the digital divide
and on connecting research to policymaking and practice to strategize
actions and catalyze solutions to this pressing societal concern. The
research, policymaker, and practitioner community represented by PPDD
stands ready to advance the agenda on broadband and the digital divide, to
address the many challenges and opportunities presented by the digital
world, and to further evidence-based policymaking and practice so that all
citizens can participate fully in the digital, networked age.

The interdisciplinary Partnership for Progress on the Digital Divide 2019
International Conference brings together researchers, policymakers, and
practitioners for an extended, in-depth dialogue about key issues that
inform information and communication technologies and the digital divide
around the world. The Conference works to identify new areas of necessary,
productive focus, foster greater understanding, advance research, and
enlighten policy and practice going forward. An optional 21 May afternoon
Field Trip to digital inclusion program sites offers the opportunity to
learn firsthand about innovative initiatives to bridge the digital divide
in the Washington, DC area.

PPDD 2019 is particularly significant as it marks the 25th anniversary of
the recognition of the digital divide through social scientific research.
And, within PPDD 2019, we plan to have a major worldwide gathering of
experts on technology, disability, and the digital divide.

The unprecedented broad multi-disciplinary coalition of PPDD 2019
co-sponsoring organizations from academic, policymaking, and practitioner
communities, who will also have representatives participating, ranges from
the Internet Society to the Governments of France Ministry for the Economy
and the Finances The French Digital Agency, the Government of the United
Kingdom Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport and more to the
American Library Association to just about every academic discipline that
works on digital divide issues.

Please join us to share your insights and expertise, explore the issues,
and grow your knowledge and network of connections. Together, we will
enrich the dialogue, connect research, policy and practice, and advance the
agenda on the digital divide.

Please contact conference [at] ppdd [dot] org with any questions not
answered on the website.

Massimo Ragnedda
Senior Lecturer in Mass Communication
Northumbria University (Newcastle, UK)
skype: massimo.ragnedda

Connect with me on *Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook*

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