[Air-L] CFP - YECREA seminar on “Alternative scholarly communication for young scholars” at the University of Helsinki, 21-22 October 2019

Sofia Caldeira AnaSofia.PereiraCaldeira at ugent.be
Tue May 7 01:05:25 PDT 2019

YECREA seminar on “Alternative scholarly communication for young scholars”
at the University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
The Young Scholars Network of ECREA (YECREA) is happy to invite all young
scholars - doctoral students, post-docs, junior scholars, and other
early-career scholars - to participate in two seminar sessions, organised
as part of the joint conference on ‘Infrastructures and Inequalities: Media
industries, digital cultures and politics’ in Helsinki.

This is a joint initiative of three YECREA Sections: Communication and
Democracy; Digital Culture and Communication; and Media Industries and
Cultural Production.
Date: 21-22 October 2019
Location: Metsätalo, University of Helsinki
Two parallel sessions (1.5 hours each)
The deadline for applications is 15 June 2019
Topics this workshop will cover:
- Strategies for building researchers networks - exploring research
communities, the potential of digital platforms
- Broadening scholarly communication - engaging with social media
Seminar description:
Scholarly communication is undergoing significant changes and evolutions,
particularly in today’s shifting media landscape. For young scholars and
early career researchers in particular, issues of disseminating our
research on social media platforms, creating alternative communication
forms, and establishing sustainable researcher communities are particularly

The shift towards a more diverse array of scholarly communication has
already begun. Scholars now share their research and connect with each
other on platforms such as Academia.edu, ResearchGate and LinkedIn. As well
as these outlets, the traditional article format is being altered by
including blog posts, interactive graphics and video. And perhaps most
significantly, scholarly conversations are now taking place on social media
platforms such as Twitter and Instagram.

These seminars aim to help young scholars navigate the process of sharing
their research within this digital media environment.
21 October 2019
The first seminar, facilitated by Professor Kirsi Pyhältö, explores the
issue of "How to build and sustain researcher networks”.
This workshop, intended for PhD students and young career scholars, aims to
facilitate use of researcher communities as a resource for doctoral
research and career development, by analyzing the potential of these
communities, exploring one’s own communities, and discussing them with
peers. The workshop addresses the function of researcher communities in
early career researchers’ daily lives, and their role as a central resource
for their careers after a doctoral degree.
22 October 2019
The second seminar, facilitated by Dr. Salla-Maaria Laaksonen, explores the
topic “Why bother? Expert communication on social media”.
This seminar addresses the issue of the growing diversity of digital
platforms for research dissemination, scholarly conversation, and
alternative academic networking. It explores how early career researchers
can engage with social media, the opportunities and also the pressures that
these digital platforms afford, inquiring how young scholars and
researchers can benefit from them.
Please submit a brief expression of interest (max. 200 words) providing a
short description of your research interests and why you are interested in
attending the seminars.
Additionally, please provide a short bionote stating your name, email,
affiliation and position, and country.

Please be aware that participants commit to attending both seminars.

Please send in your expressions of interests and personal information, no
later than 15 June 2019, to:
Ally.Mccrowyoung at hum.ku.dk
AnaSofia.PereiraCaldeira at ugent.be
Giulia.Manica at nottingham.ac.uk

Selected participants will be notified by the 15th of July 2019

* Participation in these seminar sessions is free of charge. *

The organising team:
Ally McCrow-Young (YECREA representative of Communication and Democracy
Giulia Manica (YECREA representative of Media Industries and Cultural
Production Section)
Sofia Caldeira (YECREA representative of Digital Culture and Communication


We encourage workshop participants to also submit a proposal for the main
Please submit your abstract also by 1 June 2019 (300-word abstract for
individual proposals; or 300-word panel rationale plus individual 200 word
abstracts from a minimum of four speakers for panel proposals). All
abstracts for individual as well as panel proposals should be submitted
through EasyChair:

For more information, please consult the conference

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