[Air-L] Invitation Symposium Artificial Intelligence // Cultural Technique 14 June

Anne Kaun anne.kaun at sh.se
Mon May 20 13:45:09 PDT 2019

Please join us in Stockholm for

A symposium on artificial intelligence as cultural technique

Culture, in a broad sense, is increasingly implicated in processes of automation by computational means. Both professional and amateur cultural producers are testing the waters for the employment of artificial intelligence in new and innovative contexts. The world of music, design, art, filmmaking and literature have all respectively been introduced to the notion of non-human creativity. Simultaneously, computational processes are also increasingly driving cultural consumption and artificial intelligence is used to target and incite audiences to consume individually-tailored cultural products and messages.

Technologies that incorporate artificial intelligence are becoming part of everyday life and mainstream culture and are used to automate and optimize aspects of people’s day-to-day existence. Robots and artificial intelligences walk among us and talk to us at home, at work and in public spaces, something which also inspires an increasing cultural engagement with AI in the form of aesthetic remediations, artistic imaginaries and creative fantasies.

These and related developments make it increasingly urgent to ask what the consequences of artificial intelligence are for culture, but also how we are engaging with AI through cultural practices. AI has emerged as a cultural technique that poses new questions on how the machinic relates to the human and vica versa: How is culture intermingling with computational processes? How is cultural work and production, cultural consumption and the experience of culture, being affected by artificial intelligence? How do we make sense of AI through cultural and aesthetic practices including not only art and culture, but also social imaginaries and fantasies?

These are the driving questions for the symposium Artificial Intelligence // Cultural Technique to be held at Tekniska museet in Stockholm 14 June 2019.

Orit Halpern (Concordia University)
Minna Ruckenstein (University of Helsinki)
Elena Esposito (University Bielefeld and University Modena-Reggio Emilia)
Geoffrey Bowker (University of California, Irvine)
Jesper Olsson (Linköping University)
Brian Merchant (Motherboard/ Vice magazine)
Joanna Zylinska (Goldsmiths)
Taina Bucher (University of Copenhagen)
Andreas Refsgaard (artist and creative coder, Copenhagen)
Markus Krajewski (University of Basel)

Participation is free of charge but requires registration until 6 June 2019, https://axacoair.se/go?tzfLb9rp<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Faxacoair.se%2Fgo%3FtzfLb9rp%26fbclid%3DIwAR2WGE8zz2k2-Fnbg0n4x2aA7GnImxAeZ7X2R4CS9ZmymSg2DjiS9QnsQNI&h=AT09z_VRU6d79PQki6WNfUf0sFNAIwz0zazuCHnIHRJNs2LkI9mH8F3TmZIYR6UPIN_QW5UrlYY6AOEkiZmNoBt7LseK7Q0OIdXHDmUubsrd65z7-bD31drxN5kb1-ytjIe30so>


9.00 – 9.15                           Opening

9.15 – 9.45                           Orit Halpern (Concordia University) “Planetary Bets”
9.45 – 10.15                         Brian Merchant (Motherboard/ Vice magazine) tba
10.15 – 10.45                      Geoffrey Bowker (University of California, Irvine) “Ants and AI:
    Imaginaries of Artificial and Natural Intelligence”
10.45 – 11.00                      Q&A

11.00 – 11.15                      Coffee

11.15 – 11.45                      Joanna Zylinska (Goldsmiths) “Artificially Intelligent Art”
11.45 – 12.15                      Andreas Refsgaard (artist and creative coder, Copenhagen) “Playful
    Machine Learning”
12.15 – 12.30                      Q & A

12.30 – 13.30                      Lunch

13.30 – 14.00                      Markus Krajewski (University of Basel) “Against the Power of Algorithms
                                            Closing, Literate Programming, and Source Code Critique”
14.00 – 14.30                      Jesper Olsson (Linköping University) tba
14.30 – 14.45                      Q&A

14.45 – 15.00                      Coffee

15.00 – 15.30                      Minna Ruckenstein (University of Helsinki) “Tracing life-effects”
15.30 – 16.00                      Elena Esposito (University Bielefeld/ University Modena-Reggio
    Emilia) “Forgetting Pictures. An excess of images to escape the
16.00 – 16.30                      Taina Bucher (University of Copenhagen) tba
16.30 – 17.00                      Q&A, summary

Anne Kaun

Associate Professor
Department for Media and Communication Studies
School of Culture and Education

Director of Studies Baltic and East European Graduate School – BEEGS
Programme Director Master’s Programme in Media, Communication and Cultural Analysis
+46 (0)8 608 4791



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