[Air-L] Fwd: LIVE STREAM this Saturday: "Algorithms, Scale, Speed, and the Labor of Logistics" (feat. Alessandro Delfanti, Victoria Hattam, Margaret Jack, Noopur Raval, Silvia Lindtner and Christian Sandvig) 11:15am EDT 6/1
Christian Sandvig
csandvig at umich.edu
Thu May 30 12:18:32 PDT 2019
Here's the second one (out of two). I felt it deserved its own thread as
the topic is different. Hope to "see" you there, Christian
Algorithms, Scale, Speed, and the Labor of Logistics
(a discussion panel)
Alessandro Delfanti (http://delfanti.org/)
Victoria Hattam (http://www.gidest.org/victoria-hattam)
Margaret Jack (https://www.maggiejack.info/)
Noopur Raval (https://noopur.xyz/)
Silvia Lindtner (http://www.silvialindtner.com/)
Christian Sandvig (http://umich.edu/~csandvig)
Saturday, June 1, 2019; 11:15am to 12:45pm Eastern Daylight Time (UTC/GMT-4)
During the day and time of the event, live streaming will be available here:
Ehrlicher Room, 3100 North Quad, 105 S. State St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285
Directions to this room: http://bit.ly/Ehrlicher (follow path #2)
Free and open to the public, no RSVP is required.
Digital labor regimes have infiltrated various processes from global
logistics and supply chains to mass production and mechanic work. Scale,
speed, and acceleration are key to these processes of increasing
algorithmic control (simultaneously critiqued and celebrated). What are the
cracks, frictions, and gaps in this seemingly all-subsuming finance
capitalism? How might we have to re-articulate what counts as solidarity
and collective organizing to counter distributed, isolating, and
large-scale structures of control? How can we intervene in the persistent
techno-optimism that live on in contemporary engineering and design?
This live stream is part of the "soft opening" of ESC: The Center for
Ethics, Society, and Computing at the University of Michigan.
This event is part of the workshop "Making 'The Future of Work' Work,"
organized by Silvia Lindtner, Cindy Lin, Shaowen Bardzell, Jeffrey
Bardzell, and Paul Dourish.
See the event announcement on the Web:
These events are generously supported by the Center for Ethics, Society,
and Computing (ESC), the National Science Foundation HTF "Future of Work at
the Human Technology Frontier" (Award #1744359), and the School of
Information at the University of Michigan.
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