[Air-L] 2020 Carolinas Communication Association Conference: Call for Submissions

Peter Gloviczki pgloviczki at coker.edu
Fri Nov 1 16:33:46 PDT 2019


I write to share the news that submissions for the 2020 Carolinas
Communication Association Annual Conference are open.

The conference will be held at Mars Hill University near Asheville in Mars
Hill, North Carolina on September 25 & 26, 2020.

The full call for submissions is attached to this email. Submissions are
due no later than May 15, 2020

This is an excellent conference for undergraduate students, graduate
students, and junior and senior faculty.

We look forward to receiving your work at pgloviczki at coker.edu and we are
excited to see you in Mars Hill, North Carolina in September 2020!

Every good wish, Peter

*Peter Joseph Gloviczki, Ph.D.*

*Head, Cultural and **Critical Studies Division, AEJMC      *

*1st Vice President, Carolinas Communication Association*

*Associate Professor of Communication, Coker University*

*p* 843-383-8379  |  *e* pgloviczki at coker.edu
300 E. College Ave. |  Hartsville, SC
coker.edu  |  cokercobras.com

Email Response Time Policy: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm (within 48 hours)

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