[Air-L] Assistant Professor of Information Studies with an emphasis in Library Studies (JPF04839) - UCLA Academic RECRUIT

Roberts, Sarah sarah.roberts at ucla.edu
Sat Nov 16 14:24:04 PST 2019

Colleagues -

UCLA’s Department of Information Studies is hiring a tenure-track assistant professor whose research stream is in the area of Library Studies. There may be people on this list whose research agenda falls into this area. This may be a particularly good fit for soon-to-be or recent grads. A Ph.D. is the typically expected degree for this type of position.  Please circulate widely among your own networks. Thank you!



S a r a h  T.  R o b e r t s,  P h. D.

Assistant Professor
Co-Director, UCLA Center for Critical Internet Inquiry

University of California, Los Angeles
Department of Information Studies
Graduate School of Education & Information Studies

Behind the Screen (Yale University Press)

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