[Air-L] H2020 - mapping the recent transformations in the European media system

Tommaso Venturini tomm.venturini at gmail.com
Tue Oct 1 02:22:00 PDT 2019

Hello everyone,
In little more than one month, the EU H2020 program will launch a large 
call for projects dedicated to the mapping of the "recent 
transformations in the European media system" 

At the Public Data Lab and at the Digital Methods Initiative, we believe 
that no such mapping can be complete without a thorough investigation of 
the digital media landscape. Importantly, this investigation should 
include not only the main social platforms, but also the smaller and 
more hidden venues of online debate. If the whole "junk news" debate has 
taught us something, it is that the core and the peripheries of the 
media spheres are more closely connected that they used to be and that 
fringe groups and messages can suddenly be projected to the centre 
stage. Internet research therefore is not anymore a useful-yet-marginal 
addition to the survey of the media systems, but increasingly a central 
piece of its mapping.

If you are interested in joining forces to answer this major EU call to 
map the EU media landscape, do not hesitate to get in touch with us 

Best regards,
Public Data Lab (http://publicdatalab.org) & Digital Methods Initiative 


Tommaso Venturini | tommasoventurini.it <http://www.tommasoventurini.it>
Center for Internet and Society
CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research, France)

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