[Air-L] TT Assistant Professor Position at University of Washington - Human Centered Design & Engineering

David Ribes dribes at uw.edu
Wed Oct 9 11:14:25 PDT 2019

The Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering (HCDE) at the
University of Washington seeks an individual dedicated to excellence in
teaching and research programs to join our dynamic interdisciplinary
intellectual community in 2020.

HCDE is a vibrant, welcoming, and engaged interdisciplinary community that
incorporates a range of intellectual traditions. We offer BS, MS, and PhD
degrees and serve as a founding contributor to three interdisciplinary
master’s degrees. Candidates will teach undergraduate and graduate courses
and will supervise doctoral students. The yearly teaching load is three
courses (one per quarter) plus supervision of for-credit directed research
groups. Teaching opportunities will be based on our current course
offerings and the individual’s areas of scholarly expertise. Successful
candidates will join a dynamic faculty conducting interdisciplinary
research in the design and engineering of sociotechnical systems broadly
defined. More information about our department can be found at

Human centered research includes, but is not limited to, discovering
methods, theories, processes, tools, and systems for the purpose of
improving people’s lives and constructively engaging with the ethical and
societal implications of technology such as issues of equity or global

We particularly seek multidisciplinary candidates who are pursuing research
in one or more of the following areas:

human centered data science
race, class, gender, and their intersections in design or engineering,
engineering human-centered systems (e.g., fabrication, robotics,
open-source hardware, or similar fields), and
information visualization and social consequences.

While these are areas of priority, we will consider any applicant whose
research is consistent with the department's mission.

This position will develop substantial programs of research including
peer-reviewed publications and external funding.

All UW faculty engage in teaching, research and service. The College of
Engineering regularly sets visions for strategic research areas; current
areas can be found here:
https://www.engr.washington.edu/facresearch/strategicareas. Faculty members
also routinely collaborate with colleagues across campus and with
affiliates from the region’s noted high-tech industry. Seattle is a
culturally diverse urban center with growing racial, ethnic and immigrant
communities. It is also home to many prominent technology companies, along
with a robust startup and global health community. The University of
Washington is building a culturally diverse faculty and encourages
applications from women and minority candidates.


Applicants for this Assistant Professor (tenure-track) position should be
recent or soon to graduate PhDs and must have earned a doctorate (or
foreign equivalent) by the date of appointment; candidates who have current
academic appointments must have completed fewer than three full years in a
tenure track position at the time of application. Candidates should show
evidence of strong promise in teaching as well as scholarship. This is a
9-month, full-time appointment.

Application Instructions

Appointment begins in Autumn 2020. Review of applications will begin
December 1, 2019. Please send (1) a letter of application, (2) a current
c.v., (3) a statement of research and teaching goals, (4) a diversity
statement*, (5) up to three representative papers, and (6) contact
information (best email and phone number) for at least three people from
whom we may request letters of recommendation.Inquiries: HCDE Assistant to
the Chair Stacia Green at greens6 at uw.edu.

Details at https://www.hcde.washington.edu/employment, apply at

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