[Air-L] Call for Participation: Governing Big Data For Grand Challenges (HICSS-53)
Jenifer Sunrise Winter
jwinter at hawaii.edu
Wed Oct 16 02:07:17 PDT 2019
Dear AoIR Colleagues,
We are organizing a symposium, "Governing Big Data as Societal Resources:
Beyond Privacy and Security Goals” at the Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences (https://hicss.hawaii.edu/about/) in January, 2020. We
seek to engage scholars across a wide range of domains. Please see our call
for participation below.
Call for Participation (http://futureinternet.net/hicss
"Governing Big Data as Societal Resources: Beyond Privacy and Security
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
1 – 4 PM
Grand Wailea, Maui, Hawaii (USA)
One of the grand challenges of the big data era is how we can harness
growing stockpiles of data resources for societal good in sectors such as
health, energy, conservation and environmental planning, urban planning for
transportation and housing, education, government and so on, amidst many
competing claims on these data. Governance involves values, norms, and
ethics that guide management of and access to big data stockpiles, as well
as institutional structures and policies for realizing goals. Governance
goals include making data available for innovation and advancements in
science, policy and business as well as limiting data accumulation and
access when potential harms outweigh potential good.
The HICSS-53 Symposium “Governing Big Data as Societal Resources: Beyond
Privacy and Security Goals” http://hicss.hawaii.edu/swt
/data-analytics/#s-governing-big-data will gather together researchers
interested in innovative research on data governance, big data, and
societal challenges.
The symposium will begin with a panel on “Governing Big Data for Grand
Challenges”. Speakers include:
· Dr. Elizabeth Davidson, Shidler College of Business, University of
Hawai’i Manoa (moderator)
· Dr. Sirkka Jarvenpaa, McCombs School of Business, University of
Texas Austin (governance and uses of genomic databases)
· Dr. Lisen Selander, Division of Informatics, University of
Gothenburg (collective intelligence and citizen data for social good)
· Dr. Jenifer Sunrise Winter, School of Communications, University
of Hawai’i Manoa (organizational forms of personal health data governance)
*We invite researchers to give a 5-minute “TREO” presentation on related
*Please submit a 1-page extended abstract to Crystal Boyce-Gudat
cboyce at hawaii.edu <cboyce at hawaii.edu> by November 15, 2019. *The SWT
organizers will review TREO proposals for fit to the topic (and space
available, 5-8 TREOs) and notify presenters by December 1, 2019. TREO
topics and presenters will be posted to the HICSS website once confirmed.
The workshop will wrap up with open discussion of key topics and issues for
collaborative research and with publication opportunities, including a
planned special issue in
*Information and Organization.*
SWT organizers:
Jenifer Winter
University of Hawaii at Manoa
jwinter at hawaii.edu
Elizabeth Davidson
University of Hawaii at Manoa
edavidso at hawaii.edu
Crystal Boyce-Gudat (Primary Contact)
University of Hawaii at Manoa
cboyce at hawaii.edu
*This symposium is organized in collaboration with NSF Grant #1827592
(Emergence of Organizational Forms of Data Governance in the Big Data Era)*
Jenifer Sunrise Winter, Ph.D.
Professor, School of Communications, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Chair, Communication and Information Sciences Interdisciplinary PhD Program
PI, “Emergence of Organizational Forms of Data Governance in the Big Data
Era”, National Science Foundation
Co-director, Pacific ICTD Collaborative
Associate Editor, Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in
2550 Campus Road, Crawford Hall 325, Honolulu, HI 96822
ph: 808.956.3784
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