[Air-L] Deadline Extended - Call for Special Track Proposals: 2020 Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) Conference, San Luis Obispo, California (IEEE Tech. Co-Sponsored)
Lee, Mark
malee at csu.edu.au
Fri Oct 25 22:57:03 PDT 2019
*** Deadline for proposing special tracks extended to 2019-11-11 ***
iLRN 2020: 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network
June 21–25, 2020, San Luis Obispo, California, USA
Technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Education Society,
with proceedings to be submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore®
Conference theme: “Vision 20/20: Hindsight, Insight, and Foresight in XR and Immersive Learning”
Conference website: http://immersivelrn.org/ilrn2020
Details on organizing a Special Track available at: http://bit.ly/2ANtWbl (PDF)
General Call for Papers available at: http://bit.ly/2ki4gzb (PDF), http://bit.ly/2lUcpdG (HTML)
iLRN 2020 will be an innovative, interactive gathering for a burgeoning global network of researchers and practitioners collaborating to develop the scientific, technical, and applied potential of immersive learning. It is the premier scholarly event focusing on advances in using virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and other extended reality (XR) technologies to support learners across the full span of learning—from K-12 through higher education to work-based, informal, and lifelong learning contexts.
In addition to the main conference track, a small number of Special Tracks (no more than 3-4) will be offered at iLRN that focus on specific areas of interest within the field of XR and immersive learning. Proposals are sought from prospective organizers of Special Tracks that resonate with the conference theme, Vision 20/20: Hindsight, Insight, and Foresight in XR and Immersive Learning. As we continue our shared discovery of how to exploit the powerful learning affordances of these technologies in new, creative, and evidence-based ways, your particular inquiry focus and domain-specific projects may find richer context and deeper meaning within a Special Track! This is an opportunity to create a specialized forum for you and your colleagues to showcase and share leading-edge research and exemplary practice within this wide-ranging and interdisciplinary field.
One Chair of each Special Track will receive a complimentary registration for the conference, provided the Special Track attracts at least five paid full registrations from among the presenters of papers accepted for the Track. For each additional five paid full registrations, an additional Chair will receive a complimentary registration, up to a maximum of three complimentary registrations per Special Track.
The deadline for submitting proposals to organize Special Tracks is 2019-11-11 (final extended deadline). For more details about requirements and timelines, and for guidance on how to prepare and submit a proposal, please see http://bit.ly/2ANtWbl .
*** Publication, Abstracting, and Indexing ***
All accepted and registered papers in the Academic Stream that are presented at iLRN 2020, whether as part of the Main Track or a Special Track, as well as all extended abstracts describing the Workshops, Panels, and Special Sessions presented at the conference will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to the IEEE Xplore® digital library. Content loaded into Xplore is made available by IEEE to its abstracting and indexing partners, including Elsevier (Scopus, Ei Compendex), Clarivate Analytics (CPCI—part of Web of Science) and others, for potential inclusion in their respective databases.
In addition, Special Track organizers are encouraged to negotiate opportunities for selected authors to submit expanded versions of their papers to high-quality journals. This could, but may not necessarily, entail the creation of a journal special issue.
*** Interested in the Main Track? ***
The Call for Papers and Proposal for the Main Track of the conference can be found at http://bit.ly/2ki4gzb (PDF), http://bit.ly/2lUcpdG (HTML).
*** Contact ***
Inquiries regarding the iLRN 2020 Special Tracks may be directed to ilrn2020.specialtracks at immersivelrn.org.
For matters pertaining to the wider conference, please email conference at immersivelrn.org.
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