[Air-L] CfP JCSCW Special Issue: Materializing Activism (Dec 1 2019)
Karin Hansson
khansson at dsv.su.se
Mon Sep 9 02:03:37 PDT 2019
Call for proposals
Materializing Activism: A CSCW Journal Special Issue
Net activism shows how easily available tools allow the organization of social movements to be scaled up and extended globally. These media ecologies enable new forms of power. This special issue gathers research focusing on the collaborative efforts within social movements, looking into the socio-technical systems; the organization of activism; the relations between traditional and social media; and the complex network of systems, information, people, values, theories, histories, ideologies and aesthetics underlying various types of activism. The purpose with the issue is to explore how activism is materialized, enabled, and constrained by human computer interfaces, while also contributing to the development of useful tools.
Deadline for the first submissions of extended abstract is December 1, 2019.
(Deadline for full papers will be July 2020.)
The maximum length of the extended paper is 2,000 words. The papers should follow the JCSCW formatting guidelines. Anonymize the submission and add your name and the submission title in a separate document. Submissions of extended papers and inquiries shall be sent to the following email address: khansson at dsv.su.se<mailto:khansson at dsv.su.se>
For more information about the special issue and suggested topics visit the web page: https://materializingactivism.blogs.dsv.su.se/cfp-jcscw-special-issue/
For more information about the journal and formatting guidlines: https://www.springer.com/computer/journal/10606
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