[Air-L] Digital Ethnographers Birds of a Feather at 2019 AoIR Conference
Glatt,ZA (pgr)
Z.A.Glatt at lse.ac.uk
Mon Sep 23 05:52:39 PDT 2019
Hi all,
I've had a good amount of interest for this digital ethnographers Birds of a Feather meeting, so we're going to go ahead with it!
I've landed on Munich Brauhaus as the venue - good reviews, looks fun, lots of tables and only 14 mins walk from the Botanic Bar that we'll be at for the reception beforehand until 7pm. I hope that's OK!
Shall we congregate at the end of the reception in the Botanic Bar (near the entrance?) at 7pm and we can walk together. If anyone wants to join later then please feel free! I know this is being advertised as specifically for digital ethnographers, but I would really encourage anyone to come who wants to continue hanging out and chatting. I'm the incoming Graduate Student Rep for AoIR, so I'm particularly keen to meet fellow PhD and early careers researchers. Everyone is welcome, the more the merrier!
If you get lost/can't find us then send me an email and hopefully I'll be able to reply (data/wifi permitting).
Looking forward to meeting you all 🤓
Munich Brauhaus - eatsouthbank.com.au<https://www.eatsouthbank.com.au/dining-guide/munich-brauhaus/>
Munich Brauhaus is letting you celebrate Oktoberfest all year-round! Located in the renovated, heritage-listed Allgas Building in Stanley Street Plaza, Munich Brauhaus boasts 900 seats over two-storeys, adjacent to the iconic Streets Beach.
Zoë Glatt
ESRC PhD Researcher in Media & Communications
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Managing Editor: Communication, Culture & Critique
Associate Lecturer, Media & Communications (2019/20):
Goldsmiths University & London College of Communications
YouTube channel<https://www.youtube.com/user/Zedstergal> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/ZoeGlatt> | LSE bio<http://www.lse.ac.uk/media-and-communications/people/phd-researchers/zoe-glatt>
From: Glatt,ZA (pgr) <Z.A.Glatt at lse.ac.uk>
Sent: 17 September 2019 11:52
To: Jonathon Hutchinson <jonathon.hutchinson at sydney.edu.au>; air-l at listserv.aoir.org <air-l at listserv.aoir.org>
Subject: Re: Birds of a Feather at 2019 AoIR Conference
Hi everyone,
I really like the idea of these 'Birds of a Feather' meetings, it seems like a great opportunity to meet people with similar research interests/problems.
With that in mind, I would like to propose a meeting of digital ethnographers! My background is in anthropology and I combine online-, offline- and autoethnography in my PhD research on the labour of YouTube creators. It would be great to meet some fellow digital ethnographers, especially as they're hard to find in my local academic community, and talk about approaches/problems.
Can I propose, as Jonathon suggested below, going to a pub or park or something on Thursday evening? Reply directly to let me know if you're interested and if there are enough of us (say 5+) then I'll send an email to the group.
Can't wait to be in Brisbane soon (though can wait for the 24 hour flight 🤯)
Zoë Glatt
ESRC PhD Researcher in Media & Communications
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Managing Editor: Communication, Culture & Critique
Associate Lecturer in Media & Communications (2019/20): Goldsmiths and London College of Communications
YouTube channel<https://www.youtube.com/user/Zedstergal> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/ZoeGlatt> | LSE bio<http://www.lse.ac.uk/media-and-communications/people/phd-researchers/zoe-glatt>
From: Air-L <air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org> on behalf of Jonathon Hutchinson <jonathon.hutchinson at sydney.edu.au>
Sent: 03 September 2019 06:19
To: air-l at listserv.aoir.org <air-l at listserv.aoir.org>
Subject: [Air-L] Birds of a Feather at 2019 AoIR Conference
Hello AoIRists,
This year at the 2019 AoIR conference, we are once again encouraging attendees to gather together to discuss areas of shared interest. These meetings are referred to as ‘Birds of a Feather’, because they, well, flock together.
While these meetings are not formally organised by the Conference Committee, we encourage AoIR members to post ideas on potential areas of interest, research, and projects to the AoIR mailing-list to seek interest from other members and conference attendees.
Ideally, areas of interest will flock organically and in an inclusive manner, so please don’t be afraid to nominate your idea (and yourself!) for one of these sessions.
The conference program this year leaves your time free on the Thursday evening, and if you opt out of our expertly crafted social outings, you might also consider flocking together on Friday evening.
We think the best way to gather is in a social setting in one of the amazing spaces located around Brisbane’s city centre. Below is a list of places we think suit the Birds of a Feather concept very well, but please do get in touch if you require specific kinds of locations and/or resources. And if you’re gathering together as a large group, do make sure to book a table or room at your venue ahead of time, to make sure there’s enough space.
On Brisbane’s South Bank, just across the river from QUT, you’ll find bars and cafes around Stanley St Plaza: https://www.eatsouthbank.com.au/dining-guide/precincts/stanley-street-plaza/, and more cafes and restaurants on Little Stanley St: https://www.eatsouthbank.com.au/dining-guide/precincts/little-stanley-street/
At Howard Smith Wharves, under the Story Bridge, various new pubs, bars, and restaurants have opened recently: https://howardsmithwharves.com/
In Fish Lane, South Brisbane, there are various quirky bars and restaurants: https://explorefishlane.com.au/
On behalf of the Local Organising Committee, we wish you all the best with organising the next iteration of engaging discussions and thought provocations!
Jonathon Hutchinson
2019 AoIR Program Chair
DR JONATHON HUTCHINSON | Lecturer Online Communication and Media
Department of Media and Communication | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
HDR Coordinator
Treasurer of Australian and New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA)
Secretary of International Association of Public Media Research (IAMPR)
Programme Chair of 2019 Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR)
Rm N233, John Woolley Building (A20) | The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006
T +61 2 9351 2821 | F +61 2 9351 2434 | M +61 421 178 971
E jonathon.hutchinson at sydney.edu.au<mailto:jonathon.hutchinson at sydney.edu.au> | W sydney.edu.au<http://sydney.edu.au> | W jonathonhutchinson.com.au<http://www.jonathonhutchinson.com.au/>
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