[Air-L] Affordances, features and social support survey scales

yeshuad at bgu.ac.il yeshuad at bgu.ac.il
Thu Apr 16 01:00:56 PDT 2020

Hi there,

I’m currently running a research in which we build online communities of support.

Does anyone know about  existing survey scales that measure users’ perception of the way technology affords social support or the way different features enable or constrain social support exchange in online communities?

Thanks so much,


Daphna Yeshua-Katz, Ph.D.
Department of Communication Studies
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
ד״ר דפנה ישועה-כ״ץ
המחלקה לתקשורת
הפקולטה למדעי הרוח והחברה
yeshuad at bgu.ac.il Tel:+972-8-6479017

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