[Air-L] #confinedverses: a project by POSTDATA "Poetry Standardization and Linked Open Data"
leire.leguina at scc.uned.es
Wed Apr 15 08:21:02 PDT 2020
Dear all,
In these days of confinement, poetry and music are the best company. Social networks are dazzling with creativity, thanks to the poems and songs shared by recognized and anonymous individuals about their day to day experiences in confinement.
The POSTDATA "Poetry Standardization and Linked Open Data" team, is compiling all these poems and lyrics to give testimony of this collective experience, and make them available to all, in order to make the quarantine more bearable.
Join our initiative and help us create this compilation about confinement. Send us your original poem or song, in Spanish or English, through this link:
All the poems and lyrics we collect will be available in the POSTDATA github:
For more information, please visit our website:
We hope you enjoy it!
Best regards, stay safe,
POSTDATA “Poetry Standardization and Linked Open Data”: This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement Nº [679528]).
All contributed poems retain their individual copyright but are released to the public on a GitHub repository under the terms of a CC-BY 4.0 license.
Leire Leguina
R&D Project Manager
POSTDATA – Poetry Standardization and Linked Open Data
LINHD - Laboratorio de Innovación en Humanidades Digitales
Communications and Control Systems Deparment
School of Computer Science - UNED
Juan del Rosal, 16
28040 MADRID
tel. +34 913988239
www.linhduned.es<http://www.linhduned.es> www.postdata.uned.es<http://www.postdata.uned.es>
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