[Air-L] CFP for autoethnographic accounts of macro/micro of lived experience in times of global trauma

Annette Markham amarkham at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 05:04:13 PDT 2020

Hello, AoIRists,


In these times, how are we making sense of the Self, the Other, and the World? How might we use this moment to reflect on the relation between massive and microscopic ways of knowing? Anne Harris and I are launching a short turnaround project in association with the journal of Qualitative Inquiry. I think some of you might be interested in participating, so please see the blurb below, with link to longer version of the CFP. Deadline is necessarily short for submission of 300 word expression of interest or abstract of your idea: May 5, 2020


Greetings from indoors, 


Annette Markham, also on behalf of Anne Harris


*-*-*- // with the usual apologies for crossposting // *-*-*-


"Massive and microscopic sense-making in the time of COVID"


How does this pandemic moment help us to think about the relationships between self and other, human and nonhuman, humans, machines, and the planet? We invite participants into an experimental and collaborative process of using autoethnographic methods to consider how these relationships are characterized, understood, and being enacted during this pandemic, by paying attention to dynamics of scale— how the microscopic materializes, how to consider part as whole, or whole as granular, or how the massive/global collides or interweaves with the microscopic/granular as we make sense.


Participant-author-makers will propose to be a part of the process by submitting a 300 word abstract with an idea (Due May 5, 2020). We will then workshop our ideas through a series of provocations and mini-masterclasses, moving toward (but not limited to) a special issue of _Qualitative Inquiry_.


This is an experimental, speculative coming-together, so those with a tolerance for ambiguity are urged to apply. The timeline is intensive and short because we seek to capitalize on lived experience as it is happening now or happened recently. No former experience in autoethnography is required.


People from outside and inside academic spheres are welcome. Feel free to spread this call as widely as possible. If interest is significant, selection of participation will reflect a desire for diversity (of perspectives, geography, experiences).


Complete CFP with longer explanation, timeline, and link to submission form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16uuMrARpfNYbNjzEDApF_Y5_iAh6CrrJypYMU_olN_U/edit?usp=sharing


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