[Air-L] Facebook Data Ncapture Query

Ben Light B.Light at salford.ac.uk
Mon Apr 6 06:44:39 PDT 2020

Thank you so much Justin, that’s incredibly helpful.  I’ll be sure to pass on your work too!


From: Justin Ho <Justin.Ho at ed.ac.uk>
Date: Sunday, 5 April 2020 at 12:02
To: Ben Light <B.Light at salford.ac.uk>, "air-l at listserv.aoir.org" <air-l at listserv.aoir.org>
Subject: Re: [Air-L] Facebook Data Ncapture Query

Hi Ben,

I actually came across a similar doubt when trying to collect page posts. There was a limitation imposed on Facebook's Graph API back in 2017 and it seems you can only get posts up to a limit of 600 posts per year and there is little documentation on how the returned posts are selected. I am not sure if Ncapture uses Graph API as well, but if it does, it would be subject to the same limitation. I documented what I found about the bias caused by the new limitation here:

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

On Sun, 5 Apr 2020 at 11:09, Ben Light <B.Light at salford.ac.uk<mailto:B.Light at salford.ac.uk>> wrote:
Hi folks,

I’m very sorry if I’ve missed a discussion on this before, I’ve checked the archives of the list and have googled the heck out of this issue but I can’t seem to get an answer (the last time I can see Ncapture mentioned on the list was back in 2018).  I wonder if anyone here can help. I’m hoping someone can, and I am made to look dumb ☺

Acknowledging all things GDPR and the shut out of various tools to access FB data, Ncapture, which works with NVIVO appears to work, to some degree. Obviously with limitations in the kinds of data it collects.  But for my purposes I gives me the basics – particularly the text of posts and the associated comments on public FB pages.

What I cannot work out, or find out, is the limitations of the data collected – e.g. on a particular page which posts are collected, which associated comments – all or a selection?  It appears just looking through the data to be random, especially when I look at repeat searches.  Does anyone have anything they can add to this that might help me?   I’m using Grytics for FB groups – which is accurate, but obviously we are dealing with a different kind of thing.

I’m wondering if, unless you are the owner of a page, you really have no way of collecting FB page data in a way that is helpful?

Cheers in advance for any help people can provide.

Best, Ben.

Professor Ben Light
Associate Dean: Research and Innovation / Professor of Digital Society
School of Health and Society / Connected Lives, Diverse Realities Research Group
University of Salford, Salford / UK / www.benlight.me<https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.benlight.me%2F&data=02%7C01%7CB.Light%40salford.ac.uk%7C1ec4fd8ebddc49b6baac08d7d950c7c7%7C65b52940f4b641bd833d3033ecbcf6e1%7C0%7C0%7C637216813283666503&sdata=E3Qh39FL5SwTub5gcL1NAzn1ZoXZ9mjD6Sy6r1tuO%2FE%3D&reserved=0>

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