[Air-L] RIPE at Dialogues: A webinar series on universalism and Public Service Media

Jonathon Hutchinson jonathon.hutchinson at sydney.edu.au
Sun Aug 30 18:22:15 PDT 2020

**with apologies for cross-posting**

Dear Colleagues,

Just bringing to your attention a series of very relevant discussions around public media of which you may be interested. This is the lead up to the launch of the International Association of Public Media Researchers (iaPMR) network.

Let me know if you have any questions.


RIPE at Dialogues: A webinar series on universalism and Public Service Media

9 and 16 September 2020, 14:00–15:30 UTC
(10:00 hrs in Toronto/Canada & New York/USA; 15:00 hrs UK; 16:00 hrs Belgium, Denmark, Germany; 17:00 Finland/Qatar)

23 September 2020, 13:00–14:30 UTC
(9:00 hrs in Toronto/Canada & New York/USA; 14:00 hrs UK; 15:00 hrs Belgium, Denmark, Germany; 16:00 Finland/Qatar)

This three-part webinar discusses and debates the case for the need to revitalize the universalism mission by reimagining its conceptual and practical dimensions:

• How do we understand the heritage concept of universalism as a mission for the public service orientation in media provision, and what remains relevant in that heritage concept for Public Service Media today?

• What has become dysfunctional and is no longer appropriate either as a concept or pursuit in universalism as a mission, and why?

• What emerging trends, developments, and dynamics offer promise for a renewed set of practices that pursue universalism in ways that are highly appropriate for the public service mission today?

The webinar series brings together authors of the new RIPE at 2019 reader of the same theme, titled Universalism in Public Service Media (Nordicom, 2020): https://www.nordicom.gu.se/en/publikationer/universalism-public-service-media.

Each webinar begins with short introductions to the theme and features critical dialogue with contributing authors, followed by a Q&A period for open discussion. The webinar is open for scholars, students, media professionals, policy-makers, advocates, or anyone interested in Public Service Media.

Please sign up for any or all of the webinars, here: https://forms.gle/iP7FqP6zio7hhtHX7.

You will be emailed confirmation immediately and a reminder with the link to join the webinar on the day of the event.

Session 1: Fundamentals | Wednesday 9 Sept 2020, 14-15:30 UTC

What are the foundations of universalism and
how do they translate to today’s contexts?
• Barbara Thomaß, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany: Universalism in History, Modern Statehood and Public Service Media
• Peter Goodwin, University of Westminster, UK: Universal – But Not Necessarily Useful
• Dialogue Moderator: Philip Savage, McMaster University, Canada
• Discussant: Gregory F. Lowe, Northwestern University in Qatar

Session 2: Practices | Wednesday 16 Sept 2020, 14-15:30 UTC

How have Public Service Media organizations resolved the challenge of universalism?
• Karen Donders, Vrije University, Belgium and/or Hilde Van den Bulck, Drexel University, USA: Universality of Public Service Media and Preschool Audiences: The Choice Against a Dedicated Television Channel in Flanders
• Julie Munter Lassen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark: Multi-Channel Strategy, Universalism and the Challenge of Audience Fragmentation
• Dialogue Moderator: Gregory F. Lowe
• Discussant: Philip Savage

Session 3: (Near) Futures | Wednesday 23 Sept 2020, 13-14:30 UTC

How are developments such as datafication shaping universalism? Is “personalized enlightenment” possible?
• Jannick Kirk Sørensen, Aalborg University, Denmark: Personalized Universalism in the Age of Algorithms
• Lizzie Jackson, London South Bank University, UK: Datafication, Fluidity, and Organisational Change: Towards Public Service Media 3.0
• Dialogue Moderator: Philip Savage
• Discussant: Gregory F. Lowe

RIPE at Dialogues is hosted by the new International Association of Public Media Researchers (IAPMR) and co-curated by Nordicom at the University of Gothenburg. The seminars are arranged with the support of the CORDI Research Consortium, University of Helsinki and Tampere University.

The webinars will also be recorded and made available as audio and video via IAPMR.

Please be in touch with any questions: minna at minnahorowitz.net

DR JONATHON HUTCHINSON | Senior Lecturer Online Communication and Media
Department of Media and Communication | Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
HDR Coordinator
Treasurer of Australian and New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA)
Secretary of International Association of Public Media Research (IAMPR)

Rm N233, John Woolley Building (A20) | The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006
T +61 2 9351 2821  | F +61 2 9351 2434  | M +61 421 178 971
E jonathon.hutchinson at sydney.edu.au<mailto:jonathon.hutchinson at sydney.edu.au>  | W sydney.edu.au<http://sydney.edu.au> | W jonathonhutchinson.com.au<http://www.jonathonhutchinson.com.au/>

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