[Air-L] WEBCAST TODAY – Impact of Submarine Cable Cuts in Africa | Impact des coupures de câbles sous-marins en Afrique

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Tue Dec 1 04:49:58 PST 2020

A deep dive into infrastructure maintenance!

Real time text link is https://bit.ly/33zWELJ

ISOC Live posted: "On Tuesday December 1 2020, at 13:00-14.30 UTC, the
African IXP Association, in partnership with the Internet Society, presents
the fifth webinar in the Virtual Peering Series – Africa, with the theme
'Impact of Submarine Cable Cuts in Africa'. In this s"

[image: livestream] <https://livestream.com/internetsociety/afpeering5%20>On
*Tuesday December 1 2020*, at *13:00-14.30 UTC*, the* African IXP
Association <https://www.af-ix.net/>*, in partnership with the *Internet
Society <https://www.internetsociety.org/regions/africa/>*, presents the
fifth webinar in the *Virtual Peering Series – Africa
<https://www.afpif.org/virtual-peering-series-africa/>*, with the
theme '*Impact
of Submarine Cable Cuts in Africa

In this session, we highlight the integral role of sub-sea cables, and the
effects of their disruption. Given that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
has dominated news and discussion during 2020, it is easy to forget that
there have been multiple cable disruptions during the first quarter of
2020, and the devastating ripple effect these had on connectivity across

Our panel will both highlight the process of submarine cable recovery and
repair, then discuss the “behind the scenes” activities required to ensure

[image: livestream] <https://livestream.com/internetsociety2/afpeering5%20>Le
*mardi 1er décembre 2020*, de *13h00 à 14h30* UTC, l'*Association africaine
des IXP <https://www.af-ix.net/>*, en partenariat avec l'*Internet Society
<https://www.internetsociety.org/regions/africa/>*, présente le cinquième
webinaire de la série *Virtual Peering - Afrique
<https://www.afpif.org/fr/serie-de-peering-virtuels-afrique/>*, sur le
thème «* Impact des coupures de câbles sous-marins en Afrique

Dans cette session, nous mettons en évidence le rôle essentiel des câbles
sous-marins et les effets de leur perturbation. Étant donné que la pandémie
de coronavirus (COVID-19) a dominé l'actualité et les discussions en 2020,
il est facile d'oublier qu'il y a eu plusieurs interruptions de câble au
cours du premier trimestre de 2020, et l'effet d'entraînement dévastateur
qu'elles ont eu sur la connectivité à travers l'Afrique.

Notre panel soulignera à la fois le processus de récupération et de
réparation des câbles sous-marins, puis discutera des activités «en
coulisses» nécessaires pour assurer la connectivité.

*Clementino Fernando*, Telecommunication Engineer, Angola Cables
*Patrick Christian*, Principal Analyst, TeleGeography
*Mark Tinka*, Head of Engineering, SEACOM
*Ben Roberts*, Group Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, Liquid Telecom
*Christian Kaufmann*, Senior Director Network Architecture, Akamai

*Andrew Owens*, Technical Lead for Interconnection & Peering, Teraco Data
*Matthew Chigwende*, Group Head of Network Engineering, Liquid Telecom


<https://livestream.com/internetsociety/afpeering5>* (English)

<https://livestream.com/internetsociety2/afpeering5>* (Francais)

*PARTICIPATE VIA ZOOM https://bit.ly/3qhgbuj <https://bit.ly/3qhgbuj> *(EN/FR

*REAL TIME TEXT (AI, link will be posted during session)* (English)

*TWITTER #IPeerinAfrica <https://bit.ly/IPeerInAfrica> @internetsociety
@AfIX *

*https://www.pscp.tv/ISOC_Live/ <https://www.pscp.tv/ISOC_Live/>*
*https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive <https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive>*
<https://www.facebook.com/InternetSociety/live> *(AI Captions)
<https://www.facebook.com/ISOCAfrica/> *(AI captions)




Joly MacFie  +12185659365

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