[Air-L] Karl Popper and a science fiction story

Paul Levinson levinson.paul at gmail.com
Tue Dec 22 08:35:03 PST 2020

Two new publications just up this morning that may be of interest:

"Karl Popper and Evolution Through the Decades" - short piece on Karl
Popper and me https://ourkarlpopper.net/2020/12/22/paullevinson/

"Foreseeable" - brand new science fiction story in debut of a brand new
journal Academ*fic*



*Welcome Up: Songs of Space and Time * - digital
<https://open.spotify.com/album/4S1oaV75qF6tRFfdDwDczE>, CD
<http://paullev.com/product/welcome-up-songs-of-space-and-time-cd/>, vinyl
"Eight slices of interstellar delight" -- Jon Pruett, *Ugly Things Magazine*,
September 2020

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