[Air-L] 12 Streams 2020 #5 - Growing & Sustaining Internet - Jane Coffin & Joseph Bishi

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Wed Dec 30 16:15:08 PST 2020

Resilience has been a key concept in 2020, and the Internet Society
actually ran a series of seven African Internet Resilience webinars
exploring it in depth. At the end of the year, Joseph Bishi, one of the
speakers in that series, joined Jane Coffin and the wider ISOC community
to tell his story.

ISOC Live posted: "Today, Wednesday December 30 2020, at 7:00pm EST (00:00
UTC) in the fifth instalment of the Internet Society Livestreaming‘s ‘12
Days of Streams 2020 highlights, we feature two presentations from the
fifth Intercommunity call in 2020, a 'Special Edition' "

[image: livestream]
*Wednesday December 30 2020*, at *7:00pm EST* (00:00 UTC) in the fifth
instalment of the *Internet Society Livestreaming <https://isoc.live/>*‘s ‘*12
Days of Streams <https://isoc.live/?s=%2312streams>* 2020 highlights, we
feature two presentations from the fifth *Intercommunity
<https://www.internetsociety.org/intercommunity>* call in 2020, a 'Special
Edition' with the theme '*Stories of Resilience
In the first presentation *Jane Coffin*, Senior Vice President, Internet
Growth reflects on the year's progress in *expanding connectivity
<https://www.internetsociety.org/issues/access/>* efforts. In the
second, *Joseph
Bishi,* Project Director, Murambinda Works talks about his experiences
building and sustaining a *community network in Zimbabwe

*VIEW ON LIVESTREAM: https://livestream.com/internetsociety/12streams2020-5

*TWITTER #12STREAMS #InternetGrowth #StoriesofResilience
#AfricanInternetResilience #StoriesofResilience @JaneCoffin @JosephBishi*

*https://www.pscp.tv/ISOC_Live/ <https://www.pscp.tv/ISOC_Live/>*
*https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive <https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive>*


*https://bit.ly/icomm2020 <https://bit.ly/icomm2020> *(EN/FR/ES)


Joly MacFie  +12185659365

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