[Air-L] 2 Post-doctoral Research Fellowships in Computational/digital sociology and social network analysis - University of Trento, Italy

Giuseppe Alessandro Veltri ga.veltri at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 06:14:05 PST 2020


We are currently recruiting 6 Post-doctoral Research Fellows with expertise in social research methods to work within the Trento Center for Social Research Methods.

Computational/digital sociology and social network analysis
Two post-doctoral research fellows for researchers with experience in computational/digital sociology and social network analysis. This includes, among others:
·       computational methods for “statistical learning”, using R or Python,
·       design and analysis of experiments, including field and online experiments and use of digital devices (e.g. smartphones, wearables),
·       advanced social network analysis and recent developments in ERGM, SAOM/SIENA, multilevel and multimodal networks, large-scale networks,
·       The quantitative analysis of texts through text mining and the use of techniques such as LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation), CTM (correlated topic model) and LSA (latent semantic analysis)
·       the simulation of social phenomena with agent-based modelling (ABM).
For more details, please see: https://www.unitn.it/ateneo/bando/61292/dipartimento-di-sociologia-e-ricerca-sociale-avviso-di-selezione-per-il-conferimento-di-n-2-assegni
The application deadline is: 19/02/2020, 12:00 (noon), CET.

Giuseppe A. Veltri
Associate Professor in Research Methodology & Cognitive Sociology
Department of Sociology and Social Research
University of Trento
via Verdi, 26 I-38122 Trento, Italy
Tel: +39 0461 281415
email: giuseppe.veltri at unitn.it
Personal Webpage
#Find out more about my research at ResearchGate
#New book: Digital Social Research, Polity. October 2019.
#Work in progress: Designing Online Experiments for the Social Sciences, SAGE, 2020.
All the other books

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