[Air-L] New RA positions open in new technology and law at Oxford

Eleanor Marchant eleanor.marchant at csls.ox.ac.uk
Wed Jan 29 03:32:10 PST 2020

Hi Everyone!

I'm excited to announce that we have openings for two new part-time Research Assistants to work with myself and Dr Nicole Stremlau at the Programme in Comparative Media Law & Policy (PCMLP) at the University of Oxford over the next 6 months. As a team, we do a lot of research about the new technologies and society, with a particular emphasis on social media, internet infrastructure, the development of policies and norms, and non-Western contexts, particularly in Africa.

The first post, the PCMLP Research Assistant<https://www.law.ox.ac.uk/content/pcmlp-research-assistant-centre-socio-legal-studies>, would work on a project on new technologies and non-state law in areas of limited statehood, particularly in East Africa. The second, Research Assistant on Genetics, Law and Technology<https://www.law.ox.ac.uk/content/research-assistant-genetics-law-and-technology-centre-socio-legal-studies>, would helps us develop a new research project into biotech companies, genetics, and law with a focus on non-invasive pre-natal testing.

Both positions would be great for someone interested in gaining experience developing research in either of these areas. Both are part-time, UK-based, and would start as soon as possible. We have a tight turnaround time unfortunately with a deadline of February 15. The links above provide more details, but if you have any questions feel free to get in touch with me directly!

Take care


ConflictNET<https://www.law.ox.ac.uk/research-and-subject-groups/politics-and-practice-social-media-conflict-conflictnet> Postdoctoral Fellow

Programme in Comparative Media Law & Policy

Centre for Socio-Legal Studies

University of Oxford

Tw: @ermarchant<https://twitter.com/ermarchant> | www.eleanormarchant.me<http://www.eleanormarchant.me>

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