[Air-L] Senior Researcher Position in Computational Social Science at the Leibniz-Institute for Media Research in Hamburg, Germany

Felix Victor Münch felix.v.muench at gmail.com
Thu Jan 9 05:27:37 PST 2020

Dear AoIR list members,

there is still one weekend left to apply for an awesome senior researcher position in computational social/communication science to plan, build, and manage our Media Research Methods Lab.


> From 2020 onwards, HBI will pool and expand its methodological competencies in a "Media Research Methods Lab" (MRML). The MRML will focus on linking established social science methods with novel computational methods (for example, automated content analysis/natural language processing, image recognition, network analysis, log data analysis, experience sampling, and machine learning). This can also include work in the areas of regulatory science such as case law, the analysis of text corpora, and the ethical-legal components of data collection and evaluation procedures. In addition to delving into further methodological development, the lab will focus on the transfer of specialist knowledge within the institute and to the wider scientific community as well as to other HBI stakeholders. Together with Dr. Sascha Hölig, the successful candidate will be expected to manage the MRML and further develop its conceptual direction.

Please consider applying for this until 15.1.2020 (canary:event?ts=600260405.00) or relaying this vacancy to possibly interested candidates:

Feel free to ask me anything about the position, the institute, Hamburg, or Germany.


Dr. Felix Victor Münch Postdoc Researcher
Leibniz Institut for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI), Hamburg
https://felixvictor.net (https://felixvictor.net/)

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