[Air-L] Checking on list connection

Beatriz Polivanov beatriz.polivanov at gmail.com
Wed Jan 15 12:16:00 PST 2020

Dear Pam,

I received your message alright.

Unfortunately I do not work with this issue, so I cannot help much.

Hope someone does.


*Beatriz Polivanov*
*Profa. Dra. Depto. de Estudos Culturais e Mídia /** PPGCOM*
*Coordenadora do grupo de pesquisa MiDICom (CNPq/UFF)*
*Universidade Federal Fluminense*
*Visiting Professor at McGill University*
*Department of Art History & Communication Studies*
*+ 1 514 895 8380 (Canada)*

Em qua., 15 de jan. de 2020 às 13:57, Pam Estes Brewer <brewer_pe at mercer.edu>

> Hi everyone,
> The day before yesterday I posted a request for resources for one of my
> colleagues.  Can you all tell me whether or not you received the following
> email from me?
> Thank you.
> Pam
> ______
> Colleagues:
> I am posting this request on behalf of a colleague who is a doctoral
> student.
> Best wishes,
> Pam
> My name is Lisa Newman and I work as an instructor in the Technical
> Communication Department at Mercer U. I am also a Ph.D. student at the
> University of Georgia in the Learning, Leadership, and Organization
> Development (LLOD) program. My research focus is Cybersecurity and I am
> exploring the relationship between human factors, complex systems, and
> adaptive challenges.
> The purpose of my email is to request help in finding resources for my
> topic and also to ask for any advice on persuading faculty members to help
> me and become a part of my committee since this topic is in a research area
> with which they are less familiar.
> I want to thank you in advance for your time and any assistance you can
> offer!
> Respectfully,
> Lisa Newman, M.S.
> Mercer University School of Engineering
> Instructor, Technical Communication Department
> Pam Estes Brewer
> Professor
> Mercer University School of Engineering
> Director, M.S. in Technical Communication Management (online)
> Fellow, Society for Technical Communication
> Brewer_pe at mercer.edu<mailto:Brewer_pe at mercer.edu>
> 478.301.4146
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