[Air-L] CfP for AoIR colleagues researching health topics

Ros Williams r.g.williams at sheffield.ac.uk
Thu Jul 9 02:24:15 PDT 2020

Dear all, a call for contributions to AoIR colleagues working on issues of
health, illness and medicine. As you'll see, the longer CfP invites those
engaging in internet research, so please do consider submitting an

*Full CfP*:

*Complicity: Methodologies of power, politics, and the ethics of knowledge
production (Special Issue and edited monograph)*
The annual Sociology of Health and Illness journal monograph is this year
focused on 'methodological complicity'. We are interested in incorporating
critical reflections from beyond sociology, and would certainly welcome
relevant contributions from internet researchers and media and comms
scholars exploring health related issues.

Global inequalities, colonial legacies, and the innumerable power
imbalances striating the social world have never been more pertinent to
social studies of health and illness. It is thus vital to interrogate how
exactly we research these issues, as well as the ethics and politics of
knowledge production relating to them. We ask, what problematic and
productive complicities might we as researchers engage in as we endeavour
to produce this knowledge? We understand ‘complicity’ as a broad,
explorative term for thinking through the methodological politics of
contemporary sociological research into health and illness.

*About the journal and monograph series*

Sociology of Health and Illness is a world leading journal for the medical
sociology community (Impact factor 2.2; 30/148 in Sociology). Now in its
28th edition, The SHI Monograph Series has been publishing leading
collections for several decades. Previous collections have been published
in paperback and have been reasonably priced by Wiley-Blackwell. The
collection will also be published as a special edition of the journal.

*Dr Ros Williams*
Wellcome Trust Research Fellow - Mix & Match <http://www.mixandmatch.blog/>
Lecturer in Digital Media and Society
Associate Editor | New Genetics and Society
Co-Convenor | BSA STS Study Group
ORCID id <https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4295-2582> | @roswillz

+44 (0)114 222 6423 | Room B06a, Sociological Studies, Uni of Sheffield,
Elmfield, Northumberland Rd., S10 2TU

*Please note that I often work outside standard working hours - I do not
expect a reply outside your own working hours, and look forward to a
response when you are next in work.*

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