[Air-L] #AoIR2020 Life (Online)

Lynn Schofield Clark Lynn.Clark at du.edu
Wed Jul 15 14:00:25 PDT 2020

The AoIR Executive Board and #AoIR2020 Host Committee is pleased to share with you details about the upcoming #AoIR2020 conference. As you may know, AoIR has decided that the conference that was scheduled to take place in Dublin will now be hosted as a virtual event to take place 26-31 October 2020. All #AoIR2020 virtual events will be open only to members of the Association, so it is important that you renew your membership<https://members.aoir.org/> (https://members.aoir.org/)  by 1 September if you wish to participate in October (Standard membership: USD$45; Student membership: USD$30; Living in non-OECD: USD$10). All events will be free to members!

We’re also pleased to announce that Kate Crawford of the AI Now Institute will provide the conference keynote!

At the conference, you’ll be able to:

  *   Watch pre-recorded lightning talks of accepted AoIR panels, papers, roundtables, and fishbowls on YouTube

  *   Leave Q & As with AoIR authors on YouTube

  *   Attend a fireside chat (an informal talk show-style keynote with opportunities for Q & A) with Dr. Kate Crawford, co-founder and Director of Research, AI Now Institute via Zoom

  *   Attend a live plenary session on AoIR Life with Prof. Helen Kennedy, Prof. Rob Kitchin, and Assoc. Prof Seeta Pena Gangadharan via Zoom

  *   Participate in live moderated and themed discussions with AoIR colleagues via Zoom

  *   Interact one-on-one with publishers &/or attend a workshop on publishing via Zoom

  *   Have fun, play games, & make new friends with AoIR via Zoom, Online Town & other locations

  *   Take part in other live events scheduled by AoIR participants via Zoom

  *   Read the extended abstracts in Selected Papers of Internet Research (SPIR), the open access online collection of accepted conference papers published annually

  *   Attend the Association’s Annual General Meeting

More information and links to events are available on the aoir.org page. Once you log in as a member, click on AoIR2020 How to Participate.

Be sure to renew your membership<https://members.aoir.org/> (https://members.aoir.org/)  by 1 September to participate! (Standard membership: USD$45; Student membership: USD$30; Living in non-OECD: USD$10). All events will be free to members!

We look forward to seeing you in October!

 Your AoIR2020 Host Team

Members of the AoIR Executive Committee:
Lynn Schofield Clark, President
Tama Leaver, Vice President
Axel Bruns, immediate Past President
Kelly Quinn, Treasurer
Kat Tiidenberg, Secretary
Zoe Glatt, Grad Student Representative
Crystal Abidin, Open Seat
Fabio Giglietto, Open Seat
Erika Pearson, Open Seat
Kylie Jarrett, Head of Conference Host Committee
Michelle Gardner, Association Coordinator

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