[Air-L] WEBCAST TODAY – Measuring Africa’s Internet Resilience | Mesurer la résilience de l’Internet en Afrique #AfricanInternetResilience

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Tue Jul 21 04:49:51 PDT 2020

With all these organizations involved, most people should already know
about this, but just in case, here is info! After the session, video,
audio, slides etc will be available via the archive link.

ISOC Live posted: "On Tuesday July 21 2020 at 11:00 UTC the African Union
Commission (AU), the Internet Society (ISOC), the African Network
Information Centre (AFRINIC), and NetHope in collaboration with the African
Telecommunications Union (ATU), the Association for Progre"

[image: livestream]
<https://livestream.com/internetsociety/africaninternetresilience4>On *Tuesday
July 21 2020* at *11:00 UTC* the *African Union Commission
<https://au.int/en/commission>* (AU), the* Internet Society
<https://www.internetsociety.org/>* (ISOC), the *African Network
Information Centre <https://www.afrinic.net/>* (AFRINIC), and *NetHope
<https://nethope.org/>* in collaboration with the *African
Telecommunications Union <https://atu-uat.org/> *(ATU), the *Association
for Progressive Communications <https://www.apc.org/>* (APC) and *Mozilla
<https://mozilla.org>*, present a webinar '*Measuring Africa's Internet
This, the 4th in the African Internet Resilience series, focuses Internet
measurements and the plans to determine Africa’s Internet resilience. It
will also assess the experience from other regions and organizations that
have carried out sustained Internet measurements and explore how continued
Internet measurements be carried out in Africa.

Le *mardi 21 juillet 2020* à *11h00 UTC*, la *Commission de l'Union
africaine <https://au.int/en/commission>* (UA), l'*Internet Society
<https://www.internetsociety.org/>* (ISOC), le *Centre d'information sur
les réseaux africains <https://www.afrinic.net/>* (AFRINIC) et *NetHope* en
collaboration avec l'*Union africaine des télécommunications
<https://atu-uat.org/>* (ATU), l'*Association pour Progressive
Communications <https://www.apc.org/>* (APC) et *Mozilla
<https://mozilla.org/>* présentent un webinaire `` *Mesurer la résilience
de l'Internet en Afrique
''. Ce 4ème de la série African Internet Resilience, se concentre sur les
mesures d'Internet et les plans pour déterminer la résilience d'Internet en
Afrique. Il évaluera également l'expérience d'autres régions et
organisations qui ont effectué des mesures Internet durables et explorera
comment des mesures Internet continues peuvent être effectuées en Afrique.


*Amreesh Phokeer* PhD, Research & Innovation Manager, AFRINIC
*Dawit Bekele*, Regional Vice President - Africa, Internet Society
*Emile Aben*, Senior Research Engineer, RIPE NCC
*Kevin G. Chege*, Director, Internet Development
*Lai Yi Ohlsen*, Project Director, Measurement Lab
*Moctar Yedaly*, Head, Information Society Division, African Union


<https://livestream.com/internetsociety/africaninternetresilience4> *



*PARTICIPATE VIA ZOOM https://bit.ly/32CmO0I <https://bit.ly/32CmO0I>
(interpretation available)*


*TWITTER #AfricanInternetResilience
<https://bit.ly/AfricaInternetResilience>  @ISOC_Africa @_AfricanUnion
#StrongInternet *

*https://www.pscp.tv/ISOC_Live <https://www.pscp.tv/ISOC_Live>*
*https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive <https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive>*



Joly MacFie  +2185659365

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