[Air-L] CfP: virtual conference - European Society for Social Drug Research, 24-25 September 2020
Meropi Tzanetakis
meropi.tzanetakis at univie.ac.at
Mon Jun 8 05:46:09 PDT 2020
Dear colleagues,
The European Society for Social Drug Research (ESSD) is inviting
abstract submissions for its 31st Annual Conference from 24-25 September
2020 at the University of Vienna. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the
event will be held online.
The 31st Annual Conference of the ESSD will focus on a variety of themes
including drug related implications of COVID-19, new trends in drug use
and digitisation of drug markets. Additionally, there will be
presentations on theories and concepts for drug policy. Lastly, methods
in drug research and ethical challenges in drug research will be
discussed. Presentations should preferably include a European dimension,
and/or theoretical analysis that draws inferences from the local to the
Full Call for Papers available at:
Abstract submission deadline:
30 June 2020
Conference website:
We look forward to your contributions.
Best wishes,
Dr. Meropi Tzanetakis
Senior Postdoc Fellow (FWF - Erwin Schrödinger Programme)
Department of Political Science
University of Vienna
Email meropi.tzanetakis at univie.ac.at
Website homepage.univie.ac.at/meropi.tzanetakis
Twitter @MeropiTzanet
Skype meropitzanetakis
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Recently published:
New Book:
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