[Air-L] CFP: #DLFteach Toolkit 2.0 on Immersive Technologies in Higher Education

Christopher Young christopher.young at utoronto.ca
Tue Jun 9 05:03:03 PDT 2020

(This call will be cross-posted.)

The DLF Digital Library Pedagogy <https://wiki.diglib.org/Pedagogy> group invites all interested digital library pedagogy practitioners to contribute to an immersive technologies centered #DLFteach Toolkit, an online, open resource focused on lesson plans and concrete instructional strategies. Further information about the scope and planned work scheduled is found below. We welcome practitioners from all digital library settings, roles, and career stages. Experience is less important than the willingness to be involved in the process of creating this resource.

DLF Teach Toolkit 1.0 has been published online and is available for view<https://dlfteach.pubpub.org/toolkit>.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, both the deadlines for contributor submissions to this toolkit and the publishing workflow will progress on a rolling basis. To accommodate difficulties for contributors, including limitations on testing lesson plans in the Fall 2020 semester, we will accept submissions to undergo editorial revision over three quarters of the 2020 year, and we expect to publish toolkits on a flexible basis in 2021.

Interested contributors should complete the Intent to Contribute form by July 31st, 2020. Use this form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfIC72GbdqHN8-4z--lMnFYSqz9-BPT9SL2Uwrw5aMj3jjoUQ/viewform?usp=sf_link>.

Please contact immersivepedagogy at gmail.com<mailto:immersivepedagogy at gmail.com> with any questions. Click here to review the full call for participation, anticipated work schedule, and the various roles available beyond submitting lesson plans.<https://wiki.diglib.org/Pedagogy:Toolkit_2.0_CFP>


As 3D/VR technology becomes relevant to a wide range of scholarly disciplines and teaching context, libraries are proving well-suited to coordinating the dissemination and integration of this technology across the curriculum. We seek to coordinate a collection of instructional resources that recognizes and reflects the diversity of context and practice within this broad, emerging field. We take as models for the DLF Teach Toolkit the popular Library Instruction Cookbook (eds. Sittler and Cook) and Critical Library Pedagogy Handbook (eds. Pagowsky and McElroy).

We plan to adopt a template for submissions, as modeled by the Collections as Data Facets<https://collectionsasdata.github.io/facets/> project. We envision that contributions will be lesson-plan like: while they won't necessarily be full lesson plans, they should focus on providing examples of instructional goals and activities that can be put into practice.

We hope to encourage collaborations that connect participants with new areas of expertise, especially between practitioners of different levels of experience in different areas.

Prospective contributors may elect individual authorship, form their own collaborative pairs or groups, or request to be paired with a collaborator of complementary interest by an Editor. Authors will be connected with a Section Editor who will facilitate the process.


The #DLFteach Toolkit 2.0 will focus on lesson plans to facilitate disciplinary and interdisciplinary work engaged with 3D technology. For our purposes, 3D technology includes, but is not limited to Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies, 3D modeling software, and 3D game engines, as well as 3D printers and extruders. This proposal builds on the Immersive Pedagogy symposium, which was organized by 2017-19 CLIR postdoctoral fellows. Immersive Pedagogy: 3D Technology Teaching and Learning Symposium for Humanities Practitioners<https://events.library.cmu.edu/immersive-pedagogy/> was held at Carnegie Mellon University on June 26-27, 2019 assembling practitioners representing libraries, academic departments, and professionals who developed teaching materials for 3D/VR/AR, through interactive workshops.

The workshops aimed to produce materials that are shareable with a broader audience, including syllabi and lesson plans, as well as templates that could be adapted in a variety of pedagogical settings. 3D technology, while becoming affordable for institutions in the past few years, is often adopted without a clear and responsible plan for pedagogical use. The symposium tackled challenges and affordances of critical teaching materials for immersive pedagogy. We invite further contributions for the #DLFteach Toolkit that aim to be attentive to decolonial methodologies, intersectionality, accessibility, and other critical/humanistic contexts in presenting practical applications of technology for scholarship and pedagogy.

Examples of Contributions

  *   An introduction to building 3D/AR/VR environments for use in the Humanities classroom
  *   A multi-session outline or description of embedded approach to combining archival research with a project in immersive technology
  *   Activities to critically evaluate a digital resource in 3D (accessibility, decolonial theory, representation of underrepresented people and histories, or through other theoretical lenses)
  *   Lesson plans using less expensive forms of immersive technology like phone-based headsets
  *   Critical 3D digital humanities methods that incorporate intersectional feminist and decolonial approaches
  *   Exercise that has students work with underrepresented archives to develop ideas for digital projects that highlight the lives and histories of women and people of color
  *   Lesson plans or resources for rapid response online pedagogy (transitioning the face-to-face course to an online course that uses immersive pedagogy)
  *   Models for augmenting traditional face-to-face courses with immersive elements and components.
  *   Best practices for creating immersive components of museum exhibits
  *   A workshop on creating or using immersive technology for community histories and archives

  *   Combining archival research with a 3D digital project to enhance learning and accessibility
  *   Creating critical 3D digital exhibits or archives
  *   Discussion assignments to critically evaluate the claim that immersive technology can act as an 'empathy machine'
  *   Matching tools and methods with learning goals
  *   Critical information literacy and critical digital library pedagogy
  *   Universal design principles and learner-centred teaching strategies for immersive technology
  *   Creating immersive technology in languages other than English

Chris J. Young, Ph.D.
Coordinator, Digital Scholarship, Archives & Special Collections
University of Toronto Mississauga | 3359 Mississauga Road
+1 (905) 828-3884 | christopher.young at utoronto.ca<mailto:christopher.young at utoronto.ca>

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Please note that all University of Toronto Libraries staff and librarians are currently working remotely. We are happy to help via email and virtual meetings, so please contact us!

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