[Air-L] #Strike4BlackLives #ShutDownAcademia strike called for Wednesday

Christian Sandvig csandvig at umich.edu
Tue Jun 9 14:15:42 PDT 2020

Dear AIR-L colleagues,

I haven't seen this on the mailing list -- forgive me if it was there and I
missed it.  In case you aren't aware a strike of all academic research and
teaching labor has been called for tomorrow, Wednesday June 10 by a number
of academics, groups, and associations (arxiv, *Nature*, the American
Association for the Advancement of Science, ...). If you are directly
participating in ending the global pandemic, COVID-19, you are not being
asked to join the strike. More information is here:

https://www.shutdownstem.com/   <https://www.particlesforjustice.org/>

For insight and information about the reasons we need to transform
academia, check out the trending #BlackInTheIvory tag on Twitter:
https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Blackintheivory&src=typed_query  There are
a number of discipline-specific resources also such as On Being Black in
this from physics  https://www.particlesforjustice.org/

I do not know of any "Internet Studies" resources written in the last week
that speak to the present moment -- except perhaps the "A good way to
respond to a query from a student about activism?" thread on this list?  If
you know of any statements/materials related to this #Strike4BlackLives and
transforming Internet Studies similar to the above resources from other
fields please share them here if you can. I would appreciate it.


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