[Air-L] WEBCAST TODAY: EuroDIG 2020 WS12 ‘Community networks and smart solutions in remote areas – a bottom-up approach to digital citizenship’

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Thu Jun 11 22:51:03 PDT 2020

This, and the pre07 'Successes & Failures <https://isoc.live/12206/>' one
last Wednesday, are the only sessions that we are streaming from the
EuroDIG this year. However almost every session is available on YouTube via
their programme page
ISOC Live posted: "On Friday 12 June 2020 at 09:30-11:00 UTC the EuroDIG
Workshop 12 'Community networks and smart solutions in remote areas – a
bottom-up approach to digital citizenship' will be convened online. The
session offers a discussion about needs, challenges and b"

[image: livestream] <http://livestream.com/internetsociety/ws12>On *Friday
12 June 2020* at *09:30-11:00 UTC* the *EuroDIG
<https://www.eurodig.org/index.php?id=76>* *Workshop 12* '*Community
networks and smart solutions in remote areas – a bottom-up approach to
digital citizenship <https://bit.ly/2Mz97Xj>*' will be convened online. The
session offers a discussion about needs, challenges and best practices in
offering applications and services based on broadband infrastructure
developed with the participation of Rural communities. The session will
cover recent events caused by COVID 19, however, it will also discuss
issues that will exist in the aftermath of the current pandemic.


   - *Carola Croll* - Researcher, Digital Opportunities Foundation,
   Stiftung Digitale Chancen
   - *Gianluca Lentini* - Researcher and Project Manager, Poliedra,
   Politecnico di Milano
   - *Maarit Palovirta* - Director, Regulatory Affairs, ETNO
   - *Massimiliano Stucchi* - Technical Advisor, European Bureau, Internet
   - *Tom Puc* - IoT Evangelist and LoRAWAN Advocate, XIRIS, Institute for
   R&D of Internet of Things
   - *Vassilis Chryssos* - Co-founder, Sarantaporo.gr


   - *Frédéric Donck* Regional Vice President - Europe, Internet Society

*LIVESTREAM *http://livestream.com/internetsociety/ws12 (open captions)

*EURODIG YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/TLk6IvfHrck

*AGENDA https://bit.ly/2Mz97Xj <https://bit.ly/2Mz97Xj>*

*FORUM https://bit.ly/2YsS7Hy <https://bit.ly/2YsS7Hy>*

*REAL TIME TEXT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=CFI-EuroDIG3

*TWITTER #EuroDIG2020 #WS12 <https://bit.ly/3fsSJUL> #CommunityNetworks*

*https://www.pscp.tv/ISOC_Live/ <https://www.pscp.tv/ISOC_Live/>*
*https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive <https://www.twitch.tv/isoclive>*
*https://www.facebook.com/pg/Internet Society/videos/


Joly MacFie  +2185659365

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