Vico,S S.Vico at lse.ac.uk
Mon Jun 15 04:54:33 PDT 2020

Dear colleagues,

I hope you are all doing well. I have two new articles out that might be of interest to those of you researching issues of identity politics, migration and public diplomacy in relation to digital media. They both draw on an ethnographic study, and explore (from different perspectives) roles of intended public and social surveillance on social media.

Destigmatisation strategies of Serbian Londoners on social media looks at banal expressions of nationalism and cosmopolitanism among Serbian Londoners on social media, and shows how cosmopolitanism can (paradoxically) reproduce national identities. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1527476420918384

'Globalised difference': identity politics on social media develops a new concept to refer to this emerging subtle and spontaneous identity politics, greatly brought about by social surveillance on social media, that seeks to reassert national identity and present it as both cosmopolitan and an exotic difference. This identity politics is normatively ambivalent - it is both a source of empowerment and it tends to commodify difference.

I hope you find them useful.

All the best,

Dr Sanja Vico
Research Officer | European Institute
Associate | LSEE - South Eastern Europe Research Unit
The London School of Economics and Political Science
Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE
e: s.vico at lse.ac.uk

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