[Air-L] Fwd: WiderScreen 2-3/2020: "Home Computer Cultures and Society Before the Internet Age"

Kevin Driscoll driscollkevin at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 09:27:41 PDT 2020

Hello AOIR!

A short note to announce an exciting special issue of WiderScreen about
pre-internet computer cultures, subcultures, and "scenes." Eight articles
explore people, places, and practices that have been relegated to the
periphery of 1980s computing histories. See the email below for titles,
authors, and other information about the special issue.

All of the articles are open access and available on the public web:

All my best,

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Gleb J. Albert <gleb.albert at uzh.ch>
Date: Thu, Jun 18, 2020 at 3:05 PM
Subject: [SIGCIS-Members] WiderScreen 2-3/2020: "Home Computer Cultures and
Society Before the Internet Age"
To: <members at lists.sigcis.org>

Dear colleagues and list members,

I am very happy to announce that a selection of papers on the history of
home computer user- and subcultures in the 1980s and early 1990s, which had
originally been presented at an international workshop at the University of
Zurich in March 2017, are now available in a thematic issue of the Finnish
media studies open-access journal "WiderScreen". The issue, edited by Julia
Gül Erdogan, Markku Reunanen and myself, is available at:


Here is the full table of contents:

- Theodore Lekkas & Aristotle Tympas (National and Kapodistrian University
of Athens): "Global Machines and Local Magazines in 1980s Greece: The
Exemplary Case of the Pixel Magazine"
- Patryk Wasiak (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw): "The Polish Amiga
Scene as a Brand Community"
- Gleb J. Albert (Department of History, University of Zurich): "New
Scenes, New Markets: The Global Expansion of the Cracking Scene, Late 1980s
to Early 1990s"
- Beatrice Tobler (Swiss Open-Air Museum Ballenberg): "BBS Worlds. Looking
Back at the Swiss BBS Scene of the 1990s"
- Petri Saarikoski (Digital Culture, University of Turku): "The Rise and
Fall of BBS Culture in Finland, 1982–2002"
- Ulf Sandqvist (Humlab, Umeå University): "Hobbyist and Entrepreneurs: A
Study of the Interplay Between the Game Industry and the Demoscene"
- Kevin Driscoll (Department of Media Studies, University of Virginia):
"Demography and Decentralization: Measuring the Bulletin Board Systems of
North America"
- Julia Gül Erdogan (Institute of History, Department History of the
Effects of Technology, University of Stuttgart): "West and East German
Hackers from a Comparative Perspective"

Best wishes,

Dr. Gleb J. Albert
Historisches Seminar, Universität Zürich
Forschergruppe "Medien und Mimesis"

Universität Zürich
Historisches Seminar
Culmannstr. 1
CH-8006 Zürich

Tel. +41-446346187

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