[Air-L] Final Call! June 30! Submit abstract for special issue on Algorithmic Governance in Context (for New Media & Society)

Annette Markham amarkham at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 01:37:14 PDT 2020

Hello AoIR-ists!

Final call for submissions! We're coming close to the deadline for a special issue of _New Media & Society_ on ALGORITHMIC GOVERNANCE IN CONTEXT.  This CFP is pretty open ended and encourages papers about how we govern algorithms as well as papers on how algorithms govern us...and a lot in between, also. Lots of options.

Submit your 750-1000 word abstracts by end of day June 30 wherever your timezone is, but keep in mind that the full paper is due July 15, which is a super quick turnaround. See details below.


    *CfP: ‘Algorithmic Governance in Context’*
    Special issue of *New Media & Society*
    Special issue editors: Daria Gritsenko (University of Helsinki), Annette
    Markham (RMIT), Holger Pötzsch (UiT – The Arctic University of Norway) and
    Mariëlle Wijermars (Maastricht University)
    We invite paper proposals for a special issue in the journal *New Media &
    Society* that will interrogate the functions and effects of algorithms in
    contemporary governance. Contributing to the current academic debate, the
    special issue seeks to conceptualize the notion of context in algorithmic
    governance by, first, perceiving of algorithmic governance as an activity
    taking place in a variety of contexts and aiming at investigating these
    contexts in a systematic manner. Second, by focusing not only on how
    algorithms are used as tools for governance, but also on how such tools can
    be governed – controlled and held to account – and what challenges such
    forms of governance imply. The use of algorithms in society can imply a
    moving of contestable issues from negotiable to non-negotiable spaces,
    thereby reducing agency and influence of human actors. Active
    recontextualizations can become an important tool to problematize such and
    other consequences of algorithmic governance and reveal possible unintended
    implications and effects.
    The special issue builds upon a series of workshops (2019-2020) facilitated
    by a networking grant from *The Joint Committee for Nordic Research
    Councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences* (NOS-HS) coordinated at the
    University of Helsinki, that focused on the multiplicity of contexts in
    which algorithmic systems operate. Drawing upon the conceptual work
    conducted during the workshops, the special issue focuses on two key
    themes: multiplying the contexts of algorithmic governance and governing
    algorithms in context.
    *Multiplying the contexts of algorithmic governance*
    Articles are invited that explore how specific conditions impact upon the
    efficacy and perceived legitimacy of algorithms as tools for governance. In
    particular, contributions may direct attention to the manifold everyday
    practices through which algorithmic governance is effectuated and
    investigate the legal, political, cultural, economic, and technological
    frames that predispose and tacitly guide these. Through this focus, it
    becomes clear that algorithmic governance is not only a deeply contextual
    activity, but also an activity carried out within the frames of a
    multiplicity of different and often competing context*s*. Identifying
    exactly which contexts matter when, in which ways, and to whom becomes an
    important task for the planning of algorithmic forms of governance in and
    through autonomous machine learning systems. At the same time, active
    recontextualization enables problematizing and resisting algorithmic
    governance in cases where it is perceived as illegitimate or biased.
    *Governing algorithms in context*
    Articles are invited that focus on the fact that algorithms at once govern,
    and are themselves governed by, either human or non-human agents. The
    increased use of algorithms in all areas of life makes the question of how
    to understand and sufficiently control such governing algorithms a timely
    and salient area of critical inquiry. Issues such as the complexity and
    opacity of algorithmic assessment and feedback systems as well as their
    growing autonomy and pervasiveness are important areas of research
    dedicated to improving the governance of algorithms. Articles could, for
    example, aim at facilitating new technical solutions, at raising public
    awareness, at informing practices of decision-makers and funding bodies, as
    well as at critically assessing cultural and other responses to the
    governance of algorithms.
    We welcome both disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives and studies
    employing various social scientific methods, including comparative
    case-studies, ethnography, socio-legal studies, design studies, and
    historical inquiry. We particularly encourage studies that challenge the
    status quo, either through innovative (mixed method) methodologies or
    critical reflections on the state of the art. Papers could address, but are
    not limited to, the following questions:
    ·       What are the different ‘realities’ constructed by the use of
    algorithms in governance? How do they play out across time and space?
    ·       How do individuals – in private or organisational contexts – make
    sense of and respond to algorithmic governance?
    ·       What are the similarities and differences in the deployment of
    algorithmic governance within public and private sectors?
    ·       What are the challenges of developing effective strategies for
    governing algorithms at the intersection of law and technology?
    ·       How can different publics be made aware of ‘algorithmic bads’,
    while still benefiting from ‘algorithmic goods’?
    In sum, papers can either systematically tackle the contexts of algorithmic
    governance or investigate the governance of algorithms, identifying
    challenges that emerge in different governance contexts.
    *Guest editors:*
    Daria Gritsenko, Assistant Professor in Russian Big Data Methodology,
    University of Helsinki. daria.gritsenko at helsinki.fi
    Annette Markham, Professor of Media & Communication, Digital Ethnography
    Research Centre, RMIT, Melbourne. amarkham at gmail.com
    Holger Pötzsch, Professor of Media- and Documentation Studies, UiT – The
    Arctic University of Norway. holger.potzsch at uit.no
    Mariëlle Wijermars, Assistant Professor in Cyber-Security and Politics,
    Maastricht University. m.wijermars at maastrichtuniversity.nl

    ·       Extended abstract submission deadline: 30 June. Please submit here:
    ·       Invitation to submit full draft: 15 July
    ·       Deadline for full papers: 31 October
    *Submission guidelines:*
    Proposals of 750-1000 words should comprise an abstract and a short
    description explaining how the proposed paper relates to the special issue
    theme. Please submit your proposal through the submission form no later
    than June 30, 2020. Invited paper submissions will be due 31 October 2020
    and will undergo peer review following the usual procedures of *New Media &
    Society*. Approximately 10-12 papers will be sent out for full review.
    Therefore, the invitation to submit a full article does not guarantee
    acceptance into the special issue. The special issue is scheduled for
    publication in early 2022, with online first publication expected from
    mid-2021 onwards.

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