[Air-L] some useful resources for researchers from the VOX-POL project

Marco Schneider art68schneider at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 07:16:12 PDT 2020

Dear all,

for those who can read in Portuguese, follow the links of two books,
recently available for free in PDF.

*iKritika: critical studies on information*

Authors: Arthur Bezerra, Marco Schneider, Ricardo Pimenta and Gustavo


According to Rafael Capurro: "This book brings together contributions to a
critical theory of information from the last 50 years, relating it to its
history since the 19th century and its roots in modernity, within a broad
structure that encompasses theories and authors such as Aristotle, Kant ,
Hegel, Marx, Lukács, Frankfurt School, Bourdieu, Foucault, Žižek, as well
as the classics of librarianship and information and communication. The
guiding thread of these texts is social and critical thinking, that is, the
thinking of information theory as inseparable from an interpretation and
practice of social, economic and political processes [...] in the face of
the structural transformations of oppression, control, surveillance and
discrimination that have emerged since the middle of the 20th century in
relation to digital technologies ".

*Dialectic of taste: information, music, politics*

Author: Marco Schneider.


Its central argument is: whether taste is an expression and measure of the
use value of material and symbolic goods and, at the same time, the
sensitive substrate of ideologies, and whether information is the main
agent responsible for shaping tastes in contemporary societies therefore,
information has a deeper aesthetic and ethical-political dimension than
previously thought, as it would act not only on the texture of the notions
and values that guide the practice of the subjects, as it is known, but
also on the composition and governance of sympathies and dislikes,
affections and discontent, fascination, aversion and indifference, of
tastes, in short, underlying these notions, values and practices, and that
is why perhaps their role is politically decisive.

Once again in the words of Rafael Capurro: "when we talk and think about
tastes and cultures in the digital age in the future, we must not ignore
this book, which is related to what I call intercultural information

Have a good reading,

Best regards,

Marco Schneider

Full Researcher: Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and
Technology (Ibict)
Associate Professor: Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

P.S. If anyone gets interested in producing an English version of one or
both books, which I would certainly appreciate, we can talk privately.

Em ter., 9 de jun. de 2020 às 10:38, Charles M. Ess <c.m.ess at media.uio.no>

> Dear AoIRists, cc. to Maura Conway,
> Our colleagues at the VOX-POL project, headed by Maura Conway, have
> recently gathered a page of "Researcher Resources" - "a directory of
> tools, datasets, events and other useful links, which are collected and
> grouped by topic."
> This is a very valuable collection indeed, including, e.g., a library of
> resources, datasets and tools, and so on.
> Allow me to particularly call attention to the first subset on ethics,
> which includes both the AoIR and NESH guidelines - as well as more
> specific reports and resources developed and taken up over the course of
> the venerable VOX-POL project.
> [In the name of full disclosure, both I and Elizabeth Buchanan served as
> ethics advisors to the project.]
> A second subset focuses on "Researcher Welfare 1: Privacy and Security."
> A defining thematic in the 3.0 revisions of the AoIR ethics guidelines
> is precisely the rising importance of "protecting the researcher." I
> think we made a good start in collecting resources for doing so - some
> of which are also included here: but the additional resources listed
> here will be very valuable indeed for researchers needing to take ever
> greater care against becoming a target of the researched.
> Finally, a third subset is on Researcher Well-Being - also invaluable.
> I have every confidence that AoIRists will find these resources
> exceptionally helpful and valuable indeed: a thousand thanks to Maura
> and her colleagues for making these available.
> all best,
> - charles
> --
> Professor in Media Studies
> Department of Media and Communication
> University of Oslo
> <http://www.hf.uio.no/imk/english/people/aca/charlees/index.html>
> Fellow, Siebold-Collegiums Institute for Advanced Studies,
> Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany
> Co-chair & Editor, Internet Research Ethics 3.0
> <https://aoir.org/reports/ethics3.pdf>
> 3rd edition of Digital Media Ethics now out!
> <http://politybooks.com/bookdetail/?isbn=9781509533428>
> Postboks 1093
> Blindern 0317
> Oslo, Norway
> c.m.ess at media.uio.no
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