[Air-L] ACM UMAP 2020 - Call for Doctoral Consortium Papers

Daricia Wilkinson dariciw at g.clemson.edu
Wed Mar 4 13:26:20 PST 2020


Call for Doctoral Consortium Papers - ACM UMAP 2020

28th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and

Theme: "Responsible Personalization"

Genoa (Italy)

July 14-17, 2020

Website: https://www.um.org/umap2020/


Paper Submission: March 30, 2020

Notification to authors: April 22, 2020

Camera ready submission: May 3, 2020

Note: The submissions times are 11:59 PM AoE time (Anywhere on Earth)




ACM UMAP 2020, the premier international conference on systems that adapt
to users and user models for adaptation, includes a Doctoral Consortium
(DC) Session. The DC provides an opportunity for doctoral students to
explore and develop their research interests under the guidance of
distinguished researchers from the field. Doctoral students are invited to
apply to present their research to experienced scholars who will provide
constructive feedback and advice.

Students are expected to document in a brief submission their doctoral
research (see below described submission information for further details),
which will be evaluated by the consortium committee. Good quality
applications will be selected for presentation at a Doctoral Consortium
Session as part of the conference. Promising, but less well- developed
applications will be selected for presentation at a poster session. Each
student with an accepted submission will be assigned a mentor who will
provide feedback on the student’s work and will discuss the doctoral
research with the student and the audience at the consortium.



To apply for the ACM UMAP 2020 doctoral consortium, students should submit
a paper presenting their doctoral research organized under the following


   Research Problem. The problem being addressed and a motivation outlining
   the relevance of the problem;

   Related Work. Work already performed by other researchers related to
   this problem. This should situate your work, showing your knowledge of the
   relevant previous work and how your work will make a new contribution;

   Research Questions and Proposed Approach. The main questions the PhD
   project aims to answer, contributions it aims to achieve, and the thesis

   Progress to Date and Future Work. The progress made to date (including a
   clear description of the approach, methodology and preliminary results) as
   well as the plan for further research.

Topics include (but are not limited to) the ACM UMAP 2020 key areas.

Each DC submission should cover: identification of related (state of the
art) work, indication of the potential innovation, application or
advancement of the state-of-the-art that the work intends to achieve. In
addition, as appropriate for the PhD project, each submission may cover:
indication of data to be used for experimentation, indication of
implementation approach, indication of evaluation criteria and experimental

Each DC paper submission should be accompanied by a cover page that states:
the paper title, name of the PhD candidate, the name of his/her
supervisor(s) and University, a paragraph describing the stage they are in
the PhD programme, together with a brief description of their background.
This will enable the committee to adapt its assistance to each student. The
DC will be most useful to students who have completed enough of their
thesis work to have a solid foundation with a clear topic and literature
review but the student should be early enough in their studies to still
benefit from guidance and advice. Papers should be submitted via the
EasyChair submission system
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=acmumap2020 by selecting the “UMAP
2020 Doctoral Consortium” track.

Papers will be reviewed single-blind and do not need to be anonymized
before submission.

Submissions should be pdf documents consisting of 1 cover page and the
paper (up to 4 pages long), formatted using the ACM SIG proceedings

https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template. Please note that ACM
changed its templates at the start of 2017, so please ensure that you use
the new template and do not reuse an old template.


The accepted ACM UMAP 2020 Doctoral Consortium papers will be included in
the Conference Proceedings, which will be published by ACM and that will be
available via the ACM Digital Library. The main author (doctoral student)
must register for the conference and present the paper for the paper to be
included in the proceedings.


ACM UMAP has a history of supporting students to attend. Authors of
submissions to the DC will have higher priority for UMAP grant applications.




   Judy Kay, University of Sydney, Australia

   Judith Masthoff, Utrecht University, the Netherlands  and University of
   Aberdeen, UK

Daricia Wilkinson
Ph.D. Student
School of Computing
Clemson University
100 McAdams Hall
Clemson, SC, 29634

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