[Air-L] Second CFP E-Vote-ID 2020
peter.roenne at uni.lu
Sun Mar 22 14:54:38 PDT 2020
[Apologies for cross and multiple postings]
E-Vote-ID 2020
Fifth International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting
Bregenz, Austria, 6–9 October 2020
(Paper Submission Date: 15 May 2020)
WWW: https://www.e-vote-id.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EVoteID/
Twitter: @evotingcc
Hashtag: #EVoteID2020
General Chairs: Krimmer, Robert (Tallinn University of Technology, Ragnar Nurkse School, Estonia), Volkamer, Melanie (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Outreach Chairs: Rønne, Peter (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg), Krivonosova, Iuliia (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)
This is the fifth edition of one of the leading international events for e-voting experts from all over the world, taking place in Bregenz (Austria) in October 2020.
One of its major objectives is to provide a forum for interdisciplinary and open discussion of all issues relating to electronic voting. In the first 4 editions, up to 121 presentations had been discussed, gathering more than 400 participants.
The aim of the conference is to bring together e-voting specialists working in academia, politics, government and industry in order to discuss various aspects of all forms of electronic voting (including, but not limited to, polling stations, kiosks, ballot scanners and remote voting by electronic means) in the four following tracks below and a PhD colloquium:
Track on Security, Usability and Technical Issues
Chairs: Beckert, Bernhard (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Küsters, Ralf (University of Stuttgart, Germany) and Oksana Kulyk (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Design, analysis, formal modeling or researching and implementation of:
- Electronic voting protocols and systems;
- Voter identification and authentication;
- Ballot secrecy, receipt-freeness and coercion resistance;
- Election verification including end-to-end verifiability and risk-limiting audits;
- Requirements;
- Evaluation and certification, including international security standards, e.g. Common Criteria or ITSEC;
- Human aspects of security mechanisms in electronic voting and in particular of verifiability mechanisms; or
- Any other security and HCI issues relevant for electronic voting.
Track on Administrative, Legal, Political and Social Issues
Chairs: Duenas-Cid, David (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia / Kozminski University, Poland), Solvak, Mihkel (University of Tartu, Estonia)
- Discuss legal, political and social issues of electronic voting implementations, ideally employing case study methodology;
- Analyze the interrelationship with, and the effects of electronic voting on democratic institutions and processes;
- Assess the cultural impact of electronic voting on institutions, behaviours and attitudes of the Digital Era;
- Discuss the administrative, legal, political and social risks of electronic voting;
- How to draft electronic voting legislations;
- Public administrations and the implementation of electronic voting;
- Understandability, transparency, and trust issues in electronic voting;
- Data protection issues;
- Public interests vs. PPP (public private partnerships).
Track on Elections and Practical Experiences
Chairs: Oliver Spycher (Swiss Federal Chancellery, Switzerland) and Beata Martin-Rozumilowicz (International Foundation for Electoral Systems, USA)
- Review developments in the area of applied electronic voting;
- Report on experiences with electronic voting or the preparation thereof (including reports on development and implementation, case law, court decisions, legislative steps, public and political debates, election outcomes, etc.);
Contributions in this track will be published in TUT press proceedings only. These experience and practical reports need not contain original research, but must be an accurate, complete and, where applicable, evidence-based account of the technology or system used.
Submissions will be judged on quality of review and level of analysis, and the applicability of the results to other democracies.
Track on Posters and E-Voting System Demo
Chair: Rønne, Peter (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
We invite demonstrations of electronic voting systems, to be presented in an open session on Tuesday 6 October before the welcome reception.
Participation is open to all conference participants, but we request a Short Paper (two pages) by 15 September submittted via Easychair describing the system’s requirements and properties, such as:
- whether the system is intended for use in controlled (i.e. in polling stations) or uncontrolled environments (i.e. remotely via the Internet or in kiosks);
- which types of elections it accommodates;
- whether it addresses the needs of voters with disabilities;
- what sort of verifiability it provides;
- the extent to which it guarantees vote privacy;
- whether it has been deployed in a real election;
- where to go for more information.
PhD Colloquium
Chairs: Driza Maurer, Ardita (Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau ZDA/ University of Zurich, Switzerland) and Iuliia Krivonosova (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)
The goal of the colloquium is to foster understanding and collaboration between PhD students from various disciplines working on e-voting. To this end, the program allows plenty of space for discussion and initiating collaboration based on presentations by attendees.
Each interested participant should submit his/her research proposal (or alternatively ideas for papers, open problems, or other issues where feedback from colleagues would be helpful etc.) on the shaper of a short paper (two pages length) using the conference platform.
Format of the Conference
The format of the conference is a three-day meeting. The PhD Colloquium and the Posters and Demo Session take places on the day before the formal conference begins. No parallel sessions will be held, and sufficient space will be given for informal communication.
Paper-based Submissions
Paper-based submissions may be in one of two formats - either as a full paper or as an abstract.
- Full paper submissions (max 16 pages in LNCS format all in);
- Short Paper submissions (max 2 pages in LNCS format all in).
All submissions will be subject to double-blind review.
Submissions must be anonymous (with no reference to the authors). Submissions are to be made using the EasyChair conference system at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=evoteid2020, which serves as the online system for the review process. During submission, please select the appropriate track or the PhD colloquium.
The track chairs reserve the right to re-assign papers to other tracks in case of better fit based on reviewer feedback and in coordination with other track chairs. LNCS style has to be used (see the Springer guidelines at http://www.springer.com/gp/
computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines, including templates for LaTeX and Microsoft Word).
If you think that one or more of the programme committee members could have a conflict of interest with your submission, please let the general chairs know at conference-chairs at e-vote-id.org. In turn, according settings in the EasyChair system will be set, so that the respective member/s is/are not involved in the review process.
Key Dates for Submissions
Deadline for submitting papers: (Hawaiian time, rigid deadline, no extension) 15 May 2020 – 23:59
Notification of Acceptance: 24 June 2020
Deadline for submission of papers for the
Track on Election and Practical Experiences and the PhD Colloquium: 10 July 2020
Deadline for Camera-ready Paper Submissions: 24 July 2020
Deadline for Poster Submission and Short Papers for E-Voting System Demo Session: 15 September 2020
The conference proceedings will be available at the time of the conference. Full papers accepted for the tracks on security,
usability, and technical issues, respective administrative, legal, political, and social issues will be published in Springer LNCS.
All other accepted publications, including full papers in the election experience track, accepted abstracts in any of the
tracks, and from the submissions in the PhD colloquium will be published in proceedings with TUT press.
In case your academic host institution requires you to publish your research as open-access only, please contact the conference chairs for further information in which way it is intended to make accepted publications accessible.
The conference will be held in the Renaissance castle of Hofen at Lochau/Bregenz on the shores of Lake Constance in Austria.
On the evening of 6 October a welcome reception for all conference participants will be organized in castle Hofen, where also the conference dinner on 8 October will take place and feature the traditional “cheese road”.
Programme Committee
General Chairs
Krimmer, Robert (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)
Volkamer, Melanie (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Track Chairs
Track on Security, Usability, and Technical Issues
Beckert, Bernhard (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, DE)
Küsters, Ralf (University of Stuttgart, DE)
Kulyk, Oksana (IT University of Copenhagen, DK)
Track on Administrative, Legal, Political, and Social Issues
Duenas-Cid, David (Tallinn University of Technology, EE and Kozminski University, PL)
Solvak, Mihkel (University of Tartu, EE)
Track on Elections and Practical Experiences
Spycher, Oliver (Federal Chancellery, CH)
Martin-Rozumilowicz, Beata (IFES, US)
PhD Colloquium
Driza Maurer, Ardita (Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau ZDA / University of Zurich, Switzerland)
Krivonosova, Iuliia (Tallinn University of Technology, EE)
Outreach Chairs
Rønne, Peter (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Krivonosova, Iuliia (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)
Track on Security, Usability, and Technical Issues Programme Committee
Benaloh, Josh (Microsoft Research, US)
Bernhard, Matthew (Univerity of Michigan, US)
Cortier, Véronique (INRIA-LORIA, FR)
Essex, Aleksander (Western University, CA)
Gibson, Paul (Telecom SudParis, FR)
Giustolisi, Rosario (IT University Copenhagen, DK)
Gjosteen, Kristian (NTNU Trondheim, NO)
Goré, Rajeev (Australian National University, AU)
Grimm, Rüdiger (University of Koblenz, DE)
Haenni, Rolf (Bern University of Applied Science, CH)
Haines, Thomas (Polyas, DK)
Müller, Johannes (University of Luxembourg, LU)
Naumann, Stephan (Darmstadt Technical University, DE)
Pereira, Olivier (UC Louvain, BE)
Rønne, Peter (University of Luxembourg, LU)
Ryan, Mark (University of Birmingham, UK)
Ryan, Peter Y.A. (University of Luxembourg, LU)
Schneider, Steve (University of Surrey, UK)
Schoenmakers, Berry (University of Amsterdam, NL)
Schürmann, Carsten (IT University Copenhagen, DK)
Stark, Philip (University of Berkeley, US)
Teague, Vanessa (University of Melbourne, AU)
Truderung, Tomasz (Polyas, DE)
Wen, Roland (UNSW Sydney, AU)
Willemson, Jan (Cybernetica, EE)
Track on Administrative, Legal, Political and Social Science Programme Committee
Aranyossy, Marta (Corvinus University, HU)
Barrat, Jordi (EVOL2 – eVoting Research Lab, ES)
Braun Binder, Nadja (University of Zurich, CH)
Darnolf, Staffan (IFES, US)
Eenma-Dimitrieva, Helena (University of Tartu, EE)
Germann, Micha (KU Leuven, BE)
Goodman, Nicole (University of Toronto, CA)
James, Toby (University of East Anglia, UK)
Musiał-Karg, Magdalena (Adam Mickiewicz University, PL)
Nemaslaki, András (Budapest University of Technology
and Economics, HU)
Nurmi, Hannu (University of Turku, FI)
Pammett, Jon (University of Carleton, CA)
Reniu, Josep Maria (University of Barcelona, ES)
Sasvari, Peter (National University of Public Service, HU)
Serdült, Uwe (Ritsumeikan University, JP)
Soares, Delfina (UNU-EGOV, PT)
Vinkel, Priit (National Election Commission, EE)
Track on Election and Practical Experience Programme Committee
Bismark, David (Votato, SE)
Bull, Christian (Telenor, NO)
Caarls, Susanne (Independent Expert, NL)
Catozzi, Gianpiero (EC-UNDP, BE)
Chanussot, Thomas (Independent Expert, FR)
Chelleri, Riccardo (Desk Officer - EU Council, BE)
Driza Maurer, Ardita (Independent Expert, CH)
Egger, Philipp (State Chancellery of St. Gallen, CH)
Franklin, Joshua (OutStack, US)
Loeber, Leontine (Council of State, NL)
Macias, Ryan (Independent Expert, US)
McDermott, Ronan (Independent Expert, CH)
Misev, Vladimir (Senior Election Advisor - OSCE/ODIHR, PL)
Past, Liisa (Chief National Cyber Risk Officer, EE)
Petrov, Goran (Independent Expert, MK)
Plante, Stephanie (University of Ottawa, CA)
Vollan, Kåre (Quality AS, NO)
Wolf, Peter (International IDEA, SE)
Wenda, Gregor (Federal Ministry of the Interior, AT)
Yard, Mike (Independent Expert, US)
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