[Air-L] Books specifically for student engagement and multi-modal learning in distance learning?

Cory Robinson cory.robinson at liu.se
Mon Mar 30 02:00:58 PDT 2020

Hi all,

As everyone is racing to prep distance-learning materials (we in Sweden are a few weeks behind in this), I'm inquiring if anyone has good book resources that cover student engagment and multi-modal exercises for distance learning?

For in-person teaching, I utilize these books, which provide a sense of what i'm looking for, but in distance teaching (note the below links will take you to Google Sweden, but the info should be in english still):

  1.  Classroom assessment techniques: a handbook for college teachers<https://books.google.se/books/about/Classroom_assessment_techniques.html?id=GNcQAQAAMAAJ&redir_esc=y>
  2.  Student Engagement Techniques: A Handbook for College Faculty<https://books.google.se/books?id=muAStyrwyZgC&dq=student+engagement+techniques&hl=sv&source=gbs_navlinks_s>
  3.  Collaborative Learning Techniques: A Handbook for College Faculty<https://books.google.se/books?id=ITSCzUKz1KAC&dq=collaborative+learning+techniques&hl=sv&source=gbs_navlinks_s>

I utilize these for in-person courses, and the are **great**! Does anyone have examples of these, but for distance learning? (Of course, with some time and effort, these books can be tailored to distance learning).

2nd, multi-modal might be similar to having students writing a blog post after a distance learning lecture/meeting, and then recording a "diary" post reflective about the blog writing (issues of privacy, legality are obvious here, but mentioned purely as an example).

I send my regards to all those freaking out and working extra long hours in attempts to create nurturing, inspiring digital classrooms for thier students. Teaching is truly a priviledge, but even more difficult in times of transition, like now.

Many thanks in advance! Do feel free to respond to this post (advantages to posting here so that everyone can enjoy the information provided), or email me privately, if more appropriate: cory.robinson at liu.se

Senior Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Communication Design
Linköping University
P: +46 (0)11 36 36 38
E: cory.robinson at liu.se

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