[Air-L] PhD and Postodoc Positions @ Taltech Nurkse Dept. of Innovation and Governance

Stefano Calzati stefanocalzati at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 10 00:04:10 PST 2020

Apologies for cross-posting. Please, feel free to circultate.

Thank you.

Dr Stefano Calzati
Postdoc Fellow, Tallinn University of Technology.

The Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance within Tallinn University of Technology is opening two academic positions (one PhD and one Postdoc) both scheduled to begin in February 2021. Feel free to circulate this call with anyone who might be interested. Thank you.

The PhD is on "Urban Analytics and Data Technologies", under the supervision of Prof. Anu Masso. This position is for 4 years.
Deadline for application: December 16, 2020. The selection process will begin soon after.
All information can be founded at: https://taltech.glowbase.com/positions/165

Applicants are invited to submit their ideas for topic specific research projects, which will be in line with the main research axes of the FinEst Twins project, from which the position is funded. The projects should focus on theoretical and empirical research that contributes to establishing smart, resilient, and sustainable cities worldwide and fostering the design and use of data technologies that consider social diversities.

The Postdoc position is on "Critical Understadning of Predictive Policing", under the supervision of Prof. Anu Masso. The position is initially for 1 year, with the possibility of renewing it for 2 more years.
Deadline for applications: December 7, 2020. The selection process will begin soon after.
All information can be founded at: https://www.researchgate.net/job/946515_Postdoctoral_position_in_critical_understanding_of_predictive_policing

Postdoctoral researchers are invited to submit their ideas for topic specific research projects, which will be in line with the main research axes of the NordForsk project, from which the position is funded. Notably, the project should focus on theoretical and empirical research that contributes to establishing transparency and set an epistemological standard for the critical investigation of innovative data-driven policing.

The Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance (RND) is an interdisciplinary, international research center within Tallinn University of Technology hosting world-renowned award-winning scholars and focusing on socially relevant research and teaching. Notably:

  *   digital transformation of societies: social datafication, algorithmic governance, data justice,  state-citizen relations in the digital era, smart cities and cross-border data relations;
  *   models and practices of (e)-governance and public administration globally;
  *   P2P technologies, its'  governance and potential new production models;
  *   fiscal governance and fiscal bureaucracies;
  *   science and innovation policies and its' management.
  *   philosophy and ethics of science and technology.

The Ragnar Nurkse Department recently initiated a major, €32 million international R&D project on Smart Cities (FinestTwins) and coordinated the H2020 funded large-scale innovation pilot on implementing the Once-Only Principle (TOOP), which laid the foundation for the data exchange layer foreseen in the European Single Digital Gateway Regulation (SDGR).


For any further information about the two positions, please contact Prof Anu Masso (anu.masso at taltech.ee<mailto:anu.masso at taltech.ee>) or visit http://ttu.ee/nurkse. To get more information about the research team, please visit https://taltech.ee/datalab.

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