[Air-L] RESET Journal, Call for Contributions : Digital technologies and learning
Francesca Musiani
francesca.musiani at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 00:47:54 PST 2020
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce a call for papers on the theme "Digital
technologies and learning" for the open access academic journal RESET.
The issue is edited by Cédric Fluckiger and Vinciane Zabban. You will find
here https://journals.openedition.org/reset/2418 and attached the complete
English version of the call, and the French version here :
The abstracts (500 words maximum) are due by January 11, 2021.
They should be sent to the following addresses:
Revue RESET reset at openedition.org.
Cédric Fluckiger: cedric.fluckiger at univ-lille.fr
Vinciane Zabban vinciane.zabban at gmail.com
The abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by the issue editors and the
members of the editorial board. Authors of submissions selected at this
stage will be asked to submit their full papers by May 17th.
We remain available if you have any questions,
Best regards,
The RESET editorial board
Chères et chers collègues,
Nous avons le plaisir de vous faire suivre cet appel à articles sur le
thème "Technologies numériques et apprentissages", de la revue RESET,
dossier coordonné par Cédric Fluckiger et Vinciane Zabban.
Vous trouverez ici https://journals.openedition.org/reset/2416 et en pj la
version française complète de l'appel, et la version en anglais ici :
Les propositions de contributions, sous la forme de résumés (3000 signes)
sont attendues pour le 11 janvier, et les articles complets en première
version pour le 17 mai.
Nous restons disponibles si vous avez des questions,
Les coordinateurs du dossier :
Cédric Fluckiger : cedric.fluckiger at univ-lille.fr
Vinciane Zabban vinciane.zabban at gmail.com
Bien cordialement,
Le comité de rédaction de RESET
Francesca Musiani, Ph.D.
Chargée de recherche | Associate Research Professor, CNRS
Directrice adjointe | Deputy Director, Centre for Internet and Society
<https://cis.cnrs.fr> (UPR 2000 & GDR 2091 CNRS)
Chercheuse associée | Associate Researcher, i3-CSI
<http://www.csi.ensmp.fr/>, MINES ParisTech
Global Fellow, Internet Governance Lab <https://internetgovernancelab.org>,
American University
I'm involved in: CPT-IAMCR <https://iamcr.org/s-wg/section/cpt> | Internet
Policy Review <https://policyreview.info> | RESET
<https://journals.openedition.org/reset/> | ISOC France
<https://www.isoc.fr> | ResisTIC <https://www.resistic.org>
On the Web <https://cis.cnrs.fr/francesca-musiani/> | On Twitter
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