[Air-L] AoIR2020 Thank You
Jack Qiu
jacklqiu at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 19:28:05 PST 2020
Yes, Steve is absolutely correct. I knew AoIR2020 was going to be great.
But after attending it, I thought I still underestimated the amazing
creativity and effectiveness of the organizers, both the AoIR leadership
(especially Lynn!) and the local Dublin committee (especially Kylie!), and
the fabulous volunteers of course. It's intellectually stimulating, and
socially enriching. Tons of thanks!
My favorite part is the AoIR2020Town where I enjoyed meeting old friends,
even making new friends (which I didn't expect would happen at a virtual
conference). I'm actually thinking about introducing the format to my other
scholarly communities. Thus I've started to explore gather.town more -- all
thanks to you, AoIR!
On Tue, 3 Nov 2020 at 00:27, Jones, Steve <sjones at uic.edu> wrote:
> Due to personal circumstances I was only able to attend small portions of
> AoIR2020, but what I did see, from the prerecorded videos to the live
> sessions, from the social gatherings to the AGM, reaffirmed my belief in
> and gratitude for the AoIR community. Like all of us I have in the past
> eight months experienced more virtual conferences than I thought I ever
> would, and AoIR2020 was far and away the best, intellectually and socially.
> I appreciate the enormous amount of effort that went into organizing it by
> the association coordinator, executive committee and volunteers, and I
> appreciate the energy and enthusiasm of all of the participants. Whether
> online or offline or in some combination of those, AoIR continues to
> exhibit the best characteristics of a scholarly community. Thank you, all,
> and please, everyone take good care so that we may continue to share our
> ideas and friendship, and keep our conversations going.
> Steve
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Jack Linchuan Qiu, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Communications and New Media,
<https://www.fas.nus.edu.sg/cnm/> National University of Singapore
President, CCA (Chinese Communication Association) <http://cca1.org>
Co-Editor of *Contracampo: Brazilian J of Comm* special issue, "Platform
Labor <https://periodicos.uff.br/contracampo/issue/view/2137/showToc>"
Co-Founder, 香港平台合作聯盟 <https://platformhk.coop/>; 合編《平台點合作
Co-Editor of *Journal of Communication *special issue, "Ferments of the
Field <https://academic.oup.com/joc/issue/68/2>"
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