[Air-L] Text/Data Mining Software Suggestions: for YouTube, Facebook & Instagram?

Alexandre Leroux alleroux at ulb.ac.be
Mon Nov 9 00:21:20 PST 2020

Facepager for FB and YT it has a user interface and a decent documentation.

There are scrappers for instagram but those don't comply with the 
platform terms of use and afaik are terminal only.

On 6/11/20 14:59, Cristina Migliaccio wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> Advance apologies if this question has been addressed (as I am certain it
> has been) in some previous forum/email---does an easy to use text/data
> mining software/platform exist that works across these 3 social media
> platforms: YouTube, Facebook & Instagram?
> I would like to collect data on alphabetic features but also paralinguistic
> features such as likes, shares, etc.
> Any suggestions whatsoever for a text/data mining beginner would be greatly
> appreciated (videos, lectures to this end also appreciated!)
> Warm thanks-
> Cristina Migliaccio
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Alexandre Leroux
Ph.D candidate
Group for research on Ethnic Relations, Migrations and Equality (GERME)
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
alleroux at ulb.ac.be

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