[Air-L] Now available: resource on doing qualitative research on inequalities during Covid-19

Helen Kennedy h.kennedy at sheffield.ac.uk
Wed Oct 28 03:42:10 PDT 2020

Hello all

Back in July we made a call for resources on the topic of doing qualitative
research which addresses inequalities during Covid-19. The aim was to
gather resources about doing qualitative research in socially distant times
with a particular focus on resources relating to inequalities research,
covering, for example, researching with marginalised, minoritised or
hard-to-reach groups and communities, or facilitating qualitative research
with diverse groups (including diversity in groups).

We are now pleased to announce that the resources we identified have been
gathered together on the Living with Data
website. The page lists resources that have been shared with us and that we
have found. Many more fit into the ‘general resources’ category than the
‘resources relating to inequalities research’ category, but we hope that
these general resources are nonetheless helpful to people researching

We noticed that there was limited discussion of the pros and cons of using
different platforms for qualitative research, especially with regard to
inequalities and inclusivity. If any of you have experiences of this, or
resources to pass on, we would be very interested/grateful.

We would like to thank everyone who suggested resources and welcome further
recommendations, as we will be updating this resource for the remainder of

Many thanks,

Hannah Ditchfield, Elisa Serafinelli and Helen Kennedy

(Living With Data <https://livingwithdata.org/> & Digital Society Network
<https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/social-sciences/research/digital-society> @
University of Sheffield)

On Thu, 9 Jul 2020 at 09:07, Helen Kennedy <h.kennedy at sheffield.ac.uk>

> Hello all
> Many of us are currently facing challenges as we seek to carry out
> qualitative research which addresses inequalities under socially
> distanced conditions. Lots of people are thinking creatively about how to
> overcome these challenges, and we’re aware of a number of events, webinars
> and discussions on this topic that have taken place.
> We are gathering together resources on this topic (including recordings of
> webinars, if available), which we will share publicly on our Living With
> Data <https://livingwithdata.org/> project website. We will include
> general resources about doing qualitative research in socially distant
> times (such as Doing fieldwork in a pandemic
> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1clGjGABB2h2qbduTgfqribHmog9B6P0NvMgVuiHZCl8/edit?ts=5e88ae0a>),
> but we are especially interested in resources relating to inequalities
> research, covering, for example, researching with marginalised, minoritised
> or hard-to-reach groups and communities, or facilitating qualitative
> research with diverse groups (including diversity in groups, eg in relation
> to race, class, culture, language, lived experience, politics,
> accessibility).
> Please can you share resources with us. We will then collate and share
> them.
> Best wishes
> Elisa Serafinelli & Helen Kennedy
> (Digital Society Network
> <https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/social-sciences/research/digital-society> & Living
> With Data <https://livingwithdata.org/> @ University of Sheffield)
Helen Kennedy, Professor of Digital Society, @hmtk, Living With Data

Public perceptions of good data management: findings from a UK-based survey
<https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2053951720935616>, *Big Data
and Society* (June 2020, w/Todd Hartman, Robin Steedman & Rhia Jones)
*Public Understanding and Perceptions of Data Practices: a review of
existing research
<https://livingwithdata.org/current-research/publications/>* (May 2020, w/
Susan Oman, Mark Taylor, Jo Bates, Robin Steedman)

*Data Visualization in Society
2020, ed w/ Martin Engebretesen, Open Access with Amsterdam University

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