[Air-L] Submission deadline?

Dan Suthers suthers at hawaii.edu
Fri Apr 16 05:25:43 PDT 2021

In the conferences I have organized I've advocated for (and usually 
gotten agreement on) "midnight anywhere on Earth" deadlines. You give a 
date and set the server shutdown for midnight of the last time zone that 
is in that date. Then there is no ambiguity based on location. See: 

If someone wants to try to do the math to submit after midnight their 
time zone, it is at their risk.

On 4/15/21 7:44 PM, Tama Leaver wrote:
> Hi Theo & Zach,
> Sorry to hear you missed the deadline; it was communicated quite clearly
> the deadline was UTC in the emails sent on 13 April, but I appreciate we've
> all got many, many emails and that may have been missed. (The shift to UTC
> was because both last year's and this year's conferences are organised
> using UTC first, then translated into whatever time zone people are in.)
> The dissertation awards (and the book awards etc) do have different
> deadlines, but I appreciate, too, how that may have caused some confusion.
> I'm jumping in to reply as both the Conference Chair and AoIR President are
> (I hope) fast asleep. One challenge here is that a number of people did
> request extensions via email, and we denied those as we're already running
> well behind (the mid-April due deadline was already extended from the usual
> March due date because of the shift back online again) so we asked people
> to try their very best to submit whatever they could by the hard deadline.
> That said, we aren't trying to be punitive, simply fair, so my suggestion
> is that you email the submission you prepared but couldn't submit directly
> to ac at aoir.org as soon as you read this.
> Then, as soon as we're able, the Conference Chair and AoIR President and I
> can discuss the situation and get back to you. (As it's not my call, this
> is the best I can offer before people are awake to discuss!)
> Hope that seems reasonable.
> Regards,
> Tama
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 12:14 PM Zach Bastick <zach.bastick at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Alas, we are in the same boat as you. Having prepared a paper to submit, we
>> ran into the UTC cut-off once logged into the submission system and ready
>> to submit. In our case, we were thrown off by the deadline for the
>> dissertation awards ("April 15, 2021 by midnight where ever you are") with
>> that of AoIR2021.
>> Best regards,
>> Zach
>> On Thu, 15 Apr 2021 at 23:59, Plothe, Theo <plothet at savannahstate.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> With respect to the deadlines for this year’s conference CFP, can anyone
>>> explain why despite having no stated time once the deadline was extended,
>>> that at 11:50 pm EDT, the submissions are now closed?
>>> The last deadline for the submission of new contributions was 15th Apr
>>> 2021, 11:59:59pm UTC.
>>> If the deadline was to be UTC, which is vastly different from previous
>>> years, where the deadline was established at midnight Hawai’i time, that
>>> the extended deadline would be so limited. Especially when the only way
>> to
>>> see said deadline would be on the submission page. It is disappointing to
>>> know that my submission will not be included in the process because the
>>> times are apparently less negotiable than in previous years, especially
>>> considering the online nature of a conference meant to be hosted in
>>> Philadelphia, a city clearly in the US EDT.
>>> I understand this information may have appeared elsewhere, but in looking
>>> back at the email announcing the deadline extension
>>> Best,
>>> Dr. Plothe
>>> --
>>> Theo Plothe, PhD
>>> Assistant Professor
>>> Journalism and Mass Communication
>>> Savannah State University
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Dan Suthers

Professor and Graduate Program Chair
Dept. of Information and Computer Sciences
University of Hawaii at Manoa
1680 East West Road, POST 309, Honolulu, HI 96822
(808) 956-3890 office
Personal: http://www2.hawaii.edu/~suthers/
Lab: http://lilt.ics.hawaii.edu/
Department: http://www.ics.hawaii.edu/

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