[Air-L] DEADLINE EXTENDED: Surveillance Studies Network Book Award: Call for Nominations
Greg Wise
Greg.Wise at asu.edu
Tue Aug 24 11:35:54 PDT 2021
Hello, all,
The Surveillance Studies Network Book Award Committee has decided to extend the deadline for the receipt of nominated books for the 2021 Book Award to 30 September, 2021.
The original call for nominations [now updated] is below.
Dr. J. Macgregor Wise (he/him/his)
Professor of Communication Studies and Social Technology
Associate Editor, Surveillance & Society
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Arizona State University
4701 West Thunderbird Road
Glendale, AZ 85306-4908
(602) 543 6646; (602) 543 6004 (fax)
On 6/4/21, 3:41 PM, "Air-L on behalf of Greg Wise" <air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org on behalf of Greg.Wise at asu.edu> wrote:
This call may be of interest to some on this list.
Call for Nominations: Surveillance Studies Network Book Award: 2021
The Surveillance Studies Network (SSN) invites nominations (including self-nominations) for the annual Surveillance Studies Book Award. The award is given in recognition of an outstanding monograph on surveillance published during the preceding year.
We are currently inviting nominations for 2021 (i.e., books with a ‘2020’ copyright date).
Single or multi-authored works are eligible, but not edited volumes.
The winner will receive an award amount of £100 (to be split among authors if there is more than one), as well as a 1-year membership for the Surveillance Studies Network (SSN), which provides benefits including discounts on all SSN-sponsored conferences and events. The winner/s will be announced in late 2021 and will be honored at the 2022 SSN conference, if possible.
Using the subject heading “SSN Book Award 2021,” please email the committee chair, Greg Wise (Gregwise at asu.edu) to nominate a book. Please include the title of the book, year of publication, author, publishing house, and a paragraph of no more than 250 words detailing specifics about why this book would be suitable for the award.
The deadline for receipt of books from the publisher is September 30th, 2021. A copy of the book must be sent to each member of the prize committee (addresses will be provided). Hard copies are preferred where possible. Please note that books will not be returned.
SSN Book Award Committee Members:
Mr. Egwuchukwu Ani, Renaissance University, Nigeria
Dr. Chiara Fonio, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Dr. Torin Monahan, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Dr. J. Macgregor Wise, Arizona State University, USA
Find out more about the Surveillance Studies Network (SSN) and how to become a member here: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.surveillance-studies.net/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!MGUqKWGwKiduf3pVID9fyyDob0yGQ-d1rqvK_vSIuJQT_ZcxDomll3_T_XhG-aCL$
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